adaption reset not taking.

**** your popular! LOL

Well, I had a few minutes this morning. I cleaned the crank sensor as it had not been done previously.
Reloaded the original map that came on the bike. (20364)
The TPS was adapted within a couple of minutes. :D
So I'm thinking it means there is nothing mechanically wrong with the TPS.

I reloaded Wayne's map, (20366) and no TPS light :confused:
I am going to let the bike cool all the way down and try again. As it was not at ambient temp when I started the 12 minute tune.

I am starting to wonder if you don't have a corrupt copy of the tune I would be giving Wayne a ring he is very approachable and a true gentleman
Man, I was actually considering buying a TuneBoy with this years tax return but if this is the result, I believe I'll sell the Triple K & N filters and stay stock...................dang it. I'd rather ride at my age than sit in a quandry wishing for a Goldwing :mad:. Reckon I'll splurge and get buy a GiPro instead.

Seems like a lot of pain and anguish to change tunes for simple mods like GOOD air filtration. I miss the 70's :(.
Man, I was actually considering buying a TuneBoy with this years tax return but if this is the result, I believe I'll sell the Triple K & N filters and stay stock...................dang it. I'd rather ride at my age than sit in a quandry wishing for a Goldwing :mad:. Reckon I'll splurge and get buy a GiPro instead.

Seems like a lot of pain and anguish to change tunes for simple mods like GOOD air filtration. I miss the 70's :(.

I can not argue with a word you said. About 8pm last night I thought about backing the rocket outta the garage far enough so as not set the house on fire, and then give it a good torch!

I have 4 maps here 3 I downloaded for the touring model. and after spending almost all day trying to get one of those 3 to be accepted the only map that I could get adapted was the one that came with the bike.
Not sure what the cause is, the bike would idle down and while it was searching a little it was only 100rpm variance from the set point... did not seem that drastic to me. Not with any of the maps did there seem to be an issue.


This morning I took the map that came with the bike... 20364 and copied the tables from the map I got from Dennis based on 20366 and pasted them in 20364... Worked like a charm. Adapted in about 2 mins...

So..... what would stop the bike from adapting the other maps?
Is there anything wrong with doing what I did ? I did compare the maps when I finished copying and pasting the tables to make sure they were the same and not a mix matched mess...
Unless someone warns me off as having done something wrong, I am going to consider this problem solved, still a mystery... but one with a Green TPS light..
I can not argue with a word you said. About 8pm last night I thought about backing the rocket outta the garage far enough so as not set the house on fire, and then give it a good torch!

I have 4 maps here 3 I downloaded for the touring model. and after spending almost all day trying to get one of those 3 to be accepted the only map that I could get adapted was the one that came with the bike.
Not sure what the cause is, the bike would idle down and while it was searching a little it was only 100rpm variance from the set point... did not seem that drastic to me. Not with any of the maps did there seem to be an issue.


This morning I took the map that came with the bike... 20364 and copied the tables from the map I got from Dennis based on 20366 and pasted them in 20364... Worked like a charm. Adapted in about 2 mins...

So..... what would stop the bike from adapting the other maps?
Is there anything wrong with doing what I did ? I did compare the maps when I finished copying and pasting the tables to make sure they were the same and not a mix matched mess...
Unless someone warns me off as having done something wrong, I am going to consider this problem solved, still a mystery... but one with a Green TPS light..
Should not be a problem , I have done similar my self cos the map I was running was to rich in the L tables so I copied and paste them out of a leaner map, problem solved. It is a shame the PCV + AT doesn't work from zero throttle,