i've seen many disasters, I've been with two people at different times that died while I was there with them, they were both riding over their head. I've been with some that were badly hurt. Riders just don't lose control for no reason. I was fourteen years old and I had only ridden Cushmans, Whizzers, and a Mustang. I had just turned 15 and a guy at a gas station had a 47 Harley Knucklehead for sale for 150 dollars. I worked in a car wash and sold my Mustang to get the money. It had a tank shift, it was an old stock Harley with the big spring seat. I gave him the money and finally got it started and just got on it and rode it home. Big Bike, skinny kid but with motor scooter experience of about a year and a half. Once you can ride its just matter of getting more and more experience. If you ride a big bike and then get on a smaller lighter one you feel like Mike Hailwood, gif you go the other way it just takes getting used to. I ride the biggest heaviest bike there is, I'll be 74 this month, its not hard its just intimidating.