A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing or Vice Versa?

I like the looks of the Indian Roadmaster but thats it. First off none of the Indians are any more an Indian than I am. Indians were flatheads and the Indian company died many years ago. Two or three companies have tried to capitalize on the name with bad results. This time might be different. In todays guise they are another air cooled V TWIN with good looking bodywork selling for a price that says if HD can do it then so can we. They will sell plenty just like HD mostly to the HD buyers who just want something different from their HD friends but that is still considered cool. There are lots of great bikes for less money available but BRAND CONSCIOUS americans don't know anything about them.
I like the looks of the Indian Roadmaster but thats it. First off none of the Indians are any more an Indian than I am. Indians were flatheads and the Indian company died many years ago. Two or three companies have tried to capitalize on the name with bad results. This time might be different. In todays guise they are another air cooled V TWIN with good looking bodywork selling for a price that says if HD can do it then so can we. They will sell plenty just like HD mostly to the HD buyers who just want something different from their HD friends but that is still considered cool. There are lots of great bikes for less money available but BRAND CONSCIOUS americans don't know anything about them.
YOUR right they are after the Harley owners I dont like them I dont like the 1940 styling and they look like all the other Indians and they had S&S engines that made more HP than HARLEY so I dont see anything exciting about these things just more of the same
Its all about the customer base and sales. Harley and Indian cater to older riders who still love the look of the bikes and don't like the looks of the modern ones. Those customers are not drag racer or road racer wannabe's and to them the bikes FEEL fast. The bikes are comfortable which is a major priority for those customers and their wives. The dealers are like clothing stores that also sell and repair bikes. The ladies love that and the men see to go right along. Harley has milked the whole phenomenon for all its worth and won't add radiators to the bikes unless its the only way to meet some regulation our government is so fond of making. In my eyes the Rocket Touring model still has that old time look and seating position but with modern power and brakes. It should appeal to the same riders as Harley gets but the lack of marketing leaves it only as a footnote in the motorcycle world which is a shame.
I usually agree with you, Dave, but I think that you got that very wrong. Despite, Triumph's virtually nonexistent marketing or promotion, they haven't sold as many R3s as one would expect, primarily due to the fear factor. Most of the riders that are interested in large displacement cruisers are simply scared to death of The Beast!:roll:
Its all about the customer base and sales. Harley and Indian cater to older riders who still love the look of the bikes and don't like the looks of the modern ones. Those customers are not drag racer or road racer wannabe's and to them the bikes FEEL fast. The bikes are comfortable which is a major priority for those customers and their wives. The dealers are like clothing stores that also sell and repair bikes. The ladies love that and the men see to go right along. Harley has milked the whole phenomenon for all its worth and won't add radiators to the bikes unless its the only way to meet some regulation our government is so fond of making. In my eyes the Rocket Touring model still has that old time look and seating position but with modern power and brakes. It should appeal to the same riders as Harley gets but the lack of marketing leaves it only as a footnote in the motorcycle world which is a shame.
YES I dont understand why TRIUMPH doesnt advertise they have great bikes BUT you know a lot of riders are scared of the ROCKET with its huge 2300CC engine
I usually agree with you, Dave, but I think that you got that very wrong. Despite, Triumph's virtually nonexistent marketing or promotion, they haven't sold as many R3s as one would expect, primarily due to the fear factor. Most of the riders that are interested in large displacement cruisers are simply scared to death of The Beast!:roll:

I don't agree with the fear factor being a reason but I could be wrong. In any case they should extoll how smooth and easy to ride the bike is along with its above average performance and ABS brakes. All this at a price considerably less than most of the popular vee twins would at least make people aware of another choice. I think its not the fear of the big power but the lack of even knowing such a bike exists. The cruiser market is the largest motorcycle market there is and the RT3 is perfect for it. Once knowledge is widespread about it they will also talk about the Roadster with even more horsepower and a leaner look for the sport riders. They have spent some on marketing the the other models but have not really tried to meet the largest section of the MC market. This is my opinion, I am a truck driver with a GED, take it for what its worth.
@IMFASTTOO have you and Bob looked into opening up the new Bonnies like what was done for the last crop? I know it is pretty soon to be messing with them but I am sure someone will want it someday...
WE are waiting for one to arrive soon then we will extract some serious HP thats sure to put a smile on a lot of lucky 1200 owners faces
I don't agree with the fear factor being a reason but I could be wrong. In any case they should extoll how smooth and easy to ride the bike is along with its above average performance and ABS brakes. All this at a price considerably less than most of the popular vee twins would at least make people aware of another choice. I think its not the fear of the big power but the lack of even knowing such a bike exists. The cruiser market is the largest motorcycle market there is and the RT3 is perfect for it. Once knowledge is widespread about it they will also talk about the Roadster with even more horsepower and a leaner look for the sport riders. They have spent some on marketing the the other models but have not really tried to meet the largest section of the MC market. This is my opinion, I am a truck driver with a GED, take it for what its worth.
YOU wouldnt care you ride evil handling V8 s but the average HARLEY riders are riding 65 HP cruisers
YOU wouldnt care you ride evil handling V8 s but the average HARLEY riders are riding 65 HP cruisers

Art the v8 bikes aren't evil handling unless you think a Harley Road King is evil handling. In my experience they handle surprisingly well, about the same as a RoadKing. Its true that it requires more muscle to lean it from turn to turn but it doesn't drag pegs until you are far enough over that you wouldn't want to go much further anyway. It has no surprises in store for you its just a heavy bike. Keep in mind that many average Harley riders spend a fortune trying to get more power. Harley now has more powerful engines available than they ever had and they are selling. I know you will say that they still don't have any power regardless of the option and I'm not arguing that, or that they pay a fortune for a relative slug. I am saying that most don't know that there is another bike with pretty much old time look that they like and still a big bike although not quite as heavy as theirs with more power and torque than any Harley for one half to two thirds the price. They just don't even know about that and most have never seen one. Even I never see one on the road, they are as rare as a Boss Hoss. When I ride with a group hardly any give it a second glance, when I ride the V8 bikes everyone looks and remembers it and usually even me. TRIUMPH needs to change that by marketing or I'm afraid there is a strong possibility they might discontinue our Rockets. I say possibility because maybe I'm all wrong and they sell enough to make a profit along with the prestige of knowing they make the biggest production bike on the market and thats enough for the time being, maybe they will finally get around to upgrading and pushing the Rocket on their own time instead of mine.