A little perplexed and curious.

Well since I’m not racing a Bussa I’m pretty cautious with throttle in the turns. I usually wait till I’m coming up out before I do much with the throttle hand. There’s just to many things that could be on the road to reduce traction.
Hi Pete
I’m a bit of a physics student and appreciate the forces involved. I guess I’m asking how those with worked motors cope in the twisties if a stock motor spins up the rear. The road surface was flat and relatively new hot mix, also noting the busa carried the same line through the corner without issue so I’m discounting greasy spots.
Worked motors or stockish motors -I have both and it makes no difference it is all in how you enter the curve, not a good idea to downshift and open the throttle when leaned over, ideally you should be able to upshift then open the throttle , plus scraping the pegs:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: a motorbike has two points of contact as in front and rear tyres you add point c (peg) then traction is lost from A or B
Worked motors or stockish motors -I have both and it makes no difference it is all in how you enter the curve, not a good idea to downshift and open the throttle when leaned over, ideally you should be able to upshift then open the throttle , plus scraping the pegs:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: a motorbike has two points of contact as in front and rear tyres you add point c (peg) then traction is lost from A or B

C becomes surplus to requirements when pegs are hinged :roll:
I have tool steel inserts in my peg feelers to extend the replacement cycle. :thumbsup:
Well since I’m not racing a Bussa I’m pretty cautious with throttle in the turns. I usually wait till I’m coming up out before I do much with the throttle hand. There’s just to many things that could be on the road to reduce traction.
WOW i gave you a like. Your comment makes sense. Around here you hit a corner you could be in for a big surprize. Anything from a Racoon to a 1000 Pound or better wild hog. Like to hunt but not with the Rocket:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
Oops forgot ---trying to compare a Buse in curves to a Rocket is like saying an Englishman is as much as a man as a Scotsman:D

I'm afraid the toilet signs indicate otherwise Dave! ;):p:D:roll::roll:

Liberals think the Scots led the world with unisex toilets, but they are just a canny lot and were economizing on signs with just one toilet sign in use (note broad shoulders)


English woman and man




Looks like you Scots may have to join this Lobby group mate! ;):p:D
