Corvette LS7 eThrottle ordered, $100.17. So, 9% of the cost of the aftermarket solutions and likely more reliable. Part # 19420707.
I've been thinking intake, I'm wholly unsatisfied with past results.The #3 intake is just placed in a bad spot to for long runner setups and knee clearancea, then the frame rail fouls mounting plates set too low so makes fitting the px600 setup a PITA when trying to keep it clear of the knee.
The options are accept less power or make space. Option two is my choice.
Since I'm not using the secondaries, I can cut the throttlebodies (red line) shorter and attach a 45 degree bend to shift the air filter forward towards the front tire and create knee space. I just need to retain the fuel rail mounting points.
Still gets me about 35mm more space, which should be enough paired with the 45.
Will be trying my hand at aluminum brazing, and building a smooth intake tract that nets about 6" length over the stock TB entry length to 3x2 bolt flanges that allow me to fit various things for testing. .
First attempt will be a PX-600 backplate with brazed in place bellmouths. Overall this will be equivalent to a 5.5" bellmouth attached to stock throttlebodies. The 4" design gave me 7lbft everywhere below 4500 RPM tapering off to even power with stock rubber radiuses from 7000 and up, hopefully this does at least that.