If you've talked to Carpenter, good on you. Now talk to Neville Lush -- note the time difference -- he's 12 hours ahead of you.
I know from experience, if you measure your headers (if they're not stock) where they attach to the engine, and also at the collector, then measure the muffler length and inside diameter, and have that in hand when you talk to Nev, he is smart and experienced enough to listen to what you are saying, and recommend the best that can be obtained with that setup.
I had a
@HansO tune in my bike that along with RAMAir and
@Paul Bryant 's exhaust, increased my rear wheel power from about 100 hp to 132 hp. In my discussions with Nev about "something more", and, "I can't afford the time to open the engine right now", he suggested his "street" cams and nothing more, and suggested I might get an extra seven hp. If I could be happy with that, he would sell it to me. In the event, I purchased the cams, and as documented elsewhere on here, I gained about 20 hp, and that was well worth it for me.
You will not get anything from a video -- short of a $250,000 recording setup played in a $750,000 (US) theater -- like Rattlesnakes and gunshots -- no recording can do those justice, nor for exhaust.
There is a video on here somewhere with an exhaust by
@Dain . I was sold on it, and purchased it, and it was too loud for me in real life.
Your best bet is to attend a well-attended RAA (whether or not you ride your bike) and just listen to all the different variety out there.
I currently have a
@Paul Bryant 3-into-1 system with which I am quite happy.