2020 Rocket3 0-60mph 2.7sec

I remember standing in a Barnes and Noble in February 2004 and reading in Motorcyclist that the new Rocket 111 was going to be the fastest street legal vehicle ever 0 to 60. Went right over to the Triumph shop and put down a $500 deposit. Turned out to be BS of course, and the bike a lemon but 16 years later I'm still on one.

Regarding the electronics, after having the rear come around a couple times while enthusiastically exiting a corner the lean sensitive TC does sound like it would safely add to the fun.
Conversely, I bought a Bonneville in 2004 but my dealer told me I should wait for the Rocket to arrive. I said that I didn’t care about power. When the demo showed up not long after, I rode it. The torque was so awesome, I sh!t canned the Bonnie and bought my first of 2 Rockets. At $22600, I’m over it.
Conversely, I bought a Bonneville in 2004 but my dealer told me I should wait for the Rocket to arrive. I said that I didn’t care about power. When the demo showed up not long after, I rode it. The torque was so awesome, I sh!t canned the Bonnie and bought my first of 2 Rockets. At $22600, I’m over it.

I hear ya, although I think I paid ~$18K OTD for my First 200 in July 2004, which adjusted for inflation is $24,582, not that far off the $26K OTD a new GT would run figuring MSRP, 9.8% tax, etc.
On the other hand my 2010 Roadster was only (?) $15,720 OTD in May 2010 which is $18,592 in today's money. Big difference.
I know I should allow for inflation when looking at prices, but even though hopelessly addicted to motorcycles I struggle with the idea of $20,000+ motorcycles.
I hear ya, although I think I paid ~$18K OTD for my First 200 in July 2004, which adjusted for inflation is $24,582, not that far off the $26K OTD a new GT would run figuring MSRP, 9.8% tax, etc.
On the other hand my 2010 Roadster was only (?) $15,720 OTD in May 2010 which is $18,592 in today's money. Big difference.
I know I should allow for inflation when looking at prices, but even though hopelessly addicted to motorcycles I struggle with the idea of $20,000+ motorcycles.
For the GT with bags, rear foot controls, tax, labor, prep, shipping, docs, etc., I’m over $27k.
Conversely, I bought a Bonneville in 2004 but my dealer told me I should wait for the Rocket to arrive. I said that I didn’t care about power. When the demo showed up not long after, I rode it. The torque was so awesome, I sh!t canned the Bonnie and bought my first of 2 Rockets. At $22600, I’m over it.
I laughed at first when I read this, but then realized how true your statement is.

Not a death, but a youngster I know at the local bike assessor store bought a Thruxton in 2015 and totaled it the next day. He recovered, went back to work and told his story many times. Started riding again on a Suzuki GS500 in 2016, totaled it, both were single vehicle crashes and both were situations beyond the riders ability to operate the machines. He did ride the 500 for three weeks before almost killing himself.

After coming back to work with his arm in a sling, he asked me if an R3R would be a safer bike for him being that it is bigger; my first thought was NO bike will be safer for him.

He has not crashed a bike since that I am aware of, but he is buying a new Thruxton this coming week. I honestly think will be his demise.

So back to your statement, I think the new bike will accelerate the Reaper's arrival for many folks. It begs you to ride it hard and with the electronics and awesome brakes, it give you great confidence to flog it in the wild. I know I am prone to do things like that...

Years back we were running our Viper at PIR outside of Phoenix. This kid walks up to our pit and starts telling us how his Ferrari is going to outrun our car. It didn't. A couple of months later I see him at a local Euro bike dealer. He was being about as obnoxious there as he was at the track. Shortly after that I was in there talking to one of the salesmen I knew and I asked him if he sold the kid a bike.

Unfortunately he had. The kid bought a Ducati 999. Leaving on the brand new bike, he pulled out of the dealership and went WOT. Lost control and died at the scene. From what I learned he was a spoiled rich kid whose parents gave him anything he wanted as long as he left them alone. As easy as it would have been to blame the kid for his behavior at the track and his unfortunate demise, I blame the parents. Money is no substitute for love and discipline.
i'm pushing $NZ38000 for my GT....ride away price, in comparison should i have bought an 'R' model then got all the stuff to make it like a GT i would spend a bit more.
The visual differences after doing this would be that the 'R' has all blacked out rims and the passenger seat is flat as apposed to the 'GT' with different rims and the passenger seat having a slight tilt up at the rear. I like the flat seat on the 'R' as i will be sitting a bag on there which also acts as a backrest.I think it would be more comfy on the back...never mind....it will be all g.