Conversely, I bought a Bonneville in 2004 but my dealer told me I should wait for the Rocket to arrive. I said that I didn’t care about power. When the demo showed up not long after, I rode it. The torque was so awesome, I sh!t canned the Bonnie and bought my first of 2 Rockets. At $22600, I’m over it.I remember standing in a Barnes and Noble in February 2004 and reading in Motorcyclist that the new Rocket 111 was going to be the fastest street legal vehicle ever 0 to 60. Went right over to the Triumph shop and put down a $500 deposit. Turned out to be BS of course, and the bike a lemon but 16 years later I'm still on one.
Regarding the electronics, after having the rear come around a couple times while enthusiastically exiting a corner the lean sensitive TC does sound like it would safely add to the fun.