2020 Rocket 3 TFC details released!

I've heard it said that dentists make even more than plumbers.
I have friends with no degrees that make way more than me. I do work and make money and I decide what a bike or any other item is worth, to me.
I guess this may be an excellent bike to ride and use, my comments were directed towards the difficulties associated with tuning the current FBW Triumph offerings, which the new bike has. In some ways I wish I had the software skills to make these things, but usually I only think that if I have a moment of folly or too much beer. Maybe some one who is a bosom buddy with Alain from Tune Ecu could convince him to look at the Triumph/Keihin ECUs with FBW. If they could be adjusted it would be great.
I wonder why no pictures of the left side of the bike?
I wonder if it has a bear claw type intake I doubt it? Obviously the manufactures think the right side is the pretty one.