A couple years later:
1977 1000 KAW LTD
I don't suppose you have photos of just the bike..??
I can't wait, so ready for this!!

I couldn’t wait!!!

KSU 11am 10/1, a bit late and ill but I had get ahead of the cold/rain front.

KSD 8:30pm , managed to do 400 miles as the first 200 were into a highly gusty headwind (sucked bad without a fairing).
The mystery ingredient is already identified. People are using Vitamin-E laced Vegtable Glycerin as their base instead of pure VG. This is the problem with the THC products and it causes this:
Lipoid (Lipid) Pneumonia Symptoms and Treatment

This is no mystery, but the campaign is woefully misdirected, which is why it makes me irrationally angry.

Claviger; are people vaping juice with nicotine also suffering this inhalation pneumonia or is it just the THC vapes causing it?
I heard nicotine was the culprit here

Naaah… that's the propaganda. That and the flavored stuff targeted to children. They should be able to make a THC inhaler similar to the ones people with COPD use. Pure, clean. Just like alcohol, if you are going to tax it, at least make a uniform quality product that it safe to use. The thing is that the bosses are making such a killing that they don't want their cheeze moved.

In Florida it is easier to buy an AR with 1k rounds of ammo than becoming a "registered pot user". Yeah, you have to register. Can you imagine having to register and get a license and a dedicated state issued credit card to buy alcohol?!. This is why >80% of THC purchases are contraband and will remain so. Governmental corrupt stupidity and greed at work.
Claviger; are people vaping juice with nicotine also suffering this inhalation pneumonia or is it just the THC vapes causing it?

No, not 1 reported case yet. The CDC has directed that a THC screening is not required four people presenting with the pneumonia like symptoms. It smells of a deliberate action to Target vaping as a whole instead of specifically the juice causing the health problem. this all Harkins back to the FDA and CDC not having control of the industry as it grew in the early 2010-2012 time period.

I don't give a f*** what all this propaganda says I'm going to continue vaping and I have six years of medical records to prove that I'm healthier vaping then I ever was smoking. Objective data that cannot be argued with.
Decided I needed a shakedown ride before committing to our long journey. doing a quick hundred 50 mile trip today to test out the luggage and make sure my tune is happy in all conditions.
Hope tis good, because we be heading out tomorrow morning.
I'll call once we know about when we'll arrive your place.
Perhaps we can all go out for dinner.