The incredible thing is how wrong the experts have the whole thing. My son quit a 2 pack a day habit of 25 yrs vaping. He takes these immense doses of vapes and does not even cough. The same with Hookah. If you are vaping THC and take a big pass, you are going to cough and many will develop bronchospasm. That does not happen with flowers of good quality. America has been smoking Cannabis flowers for many, many years with many starting to do so in their teens. People get greedy when they take a pass from natural flower products and cough but, they do not develop bronchospasm.

The THC Vape product has something in it that is causing problems. It should not take an act of congress to figure out a solution. Shame on the manufacturers to bring a very irritant product to market. It has been a tedious effort to place recreational TCH in the menu. Thousands of small business will close as a result of this only to cede their sales to contraband purveyors.

Making all vape products illegal is just creating another black market. Big mistake by the expert politicians. Doctors have no idea and the experts figuring out what to do have never taken a hit or, if they did, they did not inhale. I guess big tobacco is sabotaging vape successfully. I wonder how much their sales were hurting as a result of vaping.
Don't get me started on the "behind the curtain" politics of it.

Jeff Bezos is involved in the lobbying and has a product coming to market in the not too distant future that'll be certified as a smoking alternative.

There's far more going on than a simply slew of dead people from vaping blackmarket juice.
The incredible thing is how wrong the experts have the whole thing. My son quit a 2 pack a day habit of 25 yrs vaping. He takes these immense doses of vapes and does not even cough. The same with Hookah. If you are vaping THC and take a big pass, you are going to cough and many will develop bronchospasm. That does not happen with flowers of good quality. America has been smoking Cannabis flowers for many, many years with many starting to do so in their teens. People get greedy when they take a pass from natural flower products and cough but, they do not develop bronchospasm.

The THC Vape product has something in it that is causing problems. It should not take an act of congress to figure out a solution. Shame on the manufacturers to bring a very irritant product to market. It has been a tedious effort to place recreational TCH in the menu. Thousands of small business will close as a result of this only to cede their sales to contraband purveyors.

Making all vape products illegal is just creating another black market. Big mistake by the expert politicians. Doctors have no idea and the experts figuring out what to do have never taken a hit or, if they did, they did not inhale. I guess big tobacco is sabotaging vape successfully. I wonder how much their sales were hurting as a result of vaping.

The mystery ingredient is already identified. People are using Vitamin-E laced Vegtable Glycerin as their base instead of pure VG. This is the problem with the THC products and it causes this:
Lipoid (Lipid) Pneumonia Symptoms and Treatment

This is no mystery, but the campaign is woefully misdirected, which is why it makes me irrationally angry.
1948 - 1949
Here is another:

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Well this trip may turn into me scouting out a new place to live. Our state government has crossed a line I will not sit idly by and suffer.

All packed and ready to go :) 5 days of clothes, hygiene stuff, vape stuff, tools and little odds and ends all fit in that little tailbag o_O Tankbag is free space as of now.

Tiny looking tank bag
I have larger if you need.