2018 Rocket III Roadster - Drive Issue?

Thank you! So probably should replace the entire clutch basket? Do you have any recommendations on kits? I have looked online but have never bought parts for this bike, so any help would be appreciated.
how about taking some pictures ot the clutch lever and the bottom lever and adjustment and then we will see.
check the free play first before ordering parts maybe you'll be lucky and getting the free play correct might sort the problem as turbo says

how about taking some pictures ot the clutch lever and the bottom lever and adjustment and then we will see.
So. I am a dumbass. Clutch lever broke little while ago so I replaced with a generic which to fit pulled tight on the clutch cable. The dots on the bottom level match...I guarantee it was pulled to much with the new lever ...I have the right lever coming but damage is probably already done.
it may still be good
when you get it on start with the adjustments about half way and adjust from there.
by the way the way it was adjusted it had the lower lever almost pulled all the way.
I am curious, how did the clutch lever brake?
it may still be good
when you get it on start with the adjustments about half way and adjust from there.
by the way the way it was adjusted it had the lower lever almost pulled all the way.
Got the new Clutch lever - the right one for the bike this time. Runs Great, shifts great. That is unbelievable...check the small things first before jumping to major conclusions..THANK YOU TURBO200R4
that one small bit of info left out at thread explanation on page 1, is, an advice of what do you think killer good on turbo wanting to see those dots