few things I must say (although its been said before someplace)thanks to the "brotherhood"(who ever you may be)you made commitments made sacrafices to bring a member half way around the world so he (and us)can meet in person see things they never probably never would be able to.some opened up their house and home to him,some took time off from work,time away from their families to show him this great country, (and what would be hardest for me personally)gave him a bike to ride like it was his, around this country wherever he chooses to go,you guys know who you are, we know who some of you are my hats off to you all, got to be some of the most stand up people I know!! and to this here HANSO guy pleasure meeting you for you are a very stand up guy ,no cloud to see thru to get to know you.to you others down under, he represented you all superbly in my opinion.hanso I know you made sacrafices also you left youre family (maybe to their relief?) I believe you had a loss in youre family right before this trip,and you just lost a good friend before youre return. hope you had a good time and don't talk to bad about us till the next time we meet ride hard and take care