2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Randy Newman is one cruel bastid... Good things come in small (and short) packages!;)

I can remember my dad coming hope with the 45 in 1977 and listening to it over and over again, and laughing till my stomach hurt!!!

I quess that makes me a cruel bastich too?
i got home Thursday afternoon.
i had a great time it was so nice to meet mexican (lupe), 1old bull,hanso,breeze, jim and dan.
i usually ride with the harley group and i was amazed the sound the rocket group makes. it was music to my ears:thumbsup: it was nice to talk to hanso i just loved it when he talked about Australia he can ride with me any time and that goes for the rest of the group. i tend to think of anyone on the site as my friend but when you meet them you know that you have a friend.
i wish all the riders a great trip and a safe return home.
It was a pleasure to meet you Herman!!:) Breeze i already knew but it was great to see him again, and to see him smile:eek::D
glad you two amigos made it home safe&sound just a little more wore out.i personally had one hell of a good time riding with you all. hanso does not lie that little Mexican can eat!now that all are home safe let the stories begin. was no smiling going on a few good laughs maybe.............
this Hans on lupe's 'putor, we just got back to Tulsa safe and sound, oh and by the way even thou Lupe is much shorter he can eat me under the table!!!!!! ...... I kid you not as some would know I like my tucker but Lupe loves his!!:)
One thing I learned about Lupe, he is always hungry. :D
this Hans on lupe's 'putor, we just got back to Tulsa safe and sound, oh and by the way even thou Lupe is much shorter he can eat me under the table!!!!!! ...... I kid you not as some would know I like my tucker but Lupe loves his!!:)

Did you get menudo?