1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 5 peeps & 5 motors - 5 Ts
Rktnmypkt - Antioch, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 2 motors (in case Paul wants to come)
rainman & stb - TN - 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 - Forest City, Il - 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead - Lockport, IL. - 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2 peeps, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA - 2 souls, 1 bike (Tenative based on how busy work gets, Jihadist come out in spring you know)
Ski - Milwaukee Wi. - 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.
mully95 - Anderson, SC - 1 bike 1 person
Watcher - Madison, WI - 1 peep 1 trailer 1 bike sat and sun only: thumbsup:
Steel - Swamp in LA - 1 & 1, just booked my room.
\\\STRIPES/// and MB - Denton TX - 3 people 2 bikes, 1 trike
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet - Houston, TX - 2 peeps & 2 bikes, room booked at the Hub but will probably bring the Titanic
Tripps - Western, NY - 2 people, 2 bikes - maybe more . . .
Wildwilley - DSM, IA - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Oscar - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Lonzol - Van Buren, AR - 2 people & 2 bikes
Speedy - Wausau, Wi - 2 peep, 1 motor
RanDom - Chipmunk - Moreno Valley, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor (I'll come even if I have to sleep under my bike)
RC - Moreno Valley CA, 1 peep, 1 motor (The young lady with balls )
Forklift - Dallas tx 1 peep 1 motor
64 Herald & brother Kooler - Long Island & Virginia - 2 peeps & 2 bikes
Cycletherapy - Grand Rapids, MI - 8 motors & 8 Peeps!!!
Teraeric - Orlando, FL - 1 peep, 1 motor
vanguard138 - N. Michigan - 1 peep & 1 motor
1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 5 peeps & 5 motors - 5 Ts
Rktnmypkt - Antioch, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 2 motors (in case Paul wants to come)
rainman & stb - TN - 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 - Forest City, Il - 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead - Lockport, IL. - 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2 peeps, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA - 2 souls, 1 bike (Tenative based on how busy work gets, Jihadist come out in spring you know)
Ski - Milwaukee Wi. - 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.
mully95 - Anderson, SC - 1 bike 1 person
Watcher - Madison, WI - 1 peep 1 trailer 1 bike sat and sun only: thumbsup:
Steel - Swamp in LA - 1 & 1, just booked my room.
\\\STRIPES/// and MB - Denton TX - 3 people 2 bikes, 1 trike
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet - Houston, TX - 2 peeps & 2 bikes, room booked at the Hub but will probably bring the Titanic
Tripps - Western, NY - 2 people, 2 bikes - maybe more . . .
Wildwilley - DSM, IA - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Oscar - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Lonzol - Van Buren, AR - 2 people & 2 bikes
Speedy - Wausau, Wi - 2 peep, 1 motor
RanDom - Chipmunk - Moreno Valley, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor (I'll come even if I have to sleep under my bike)
RC - Moreno Valley CA, 1 peep, 1 motor (The young lady with balls )
Forklift - Dallas tx 1 peep 1 motor
64 Herald & brother Kooler - Long Island & Virginia - 2 peeps & 2 bikes
Cycletherapy - Grand Rapids, MI - 8 motors & 8 Peeps!!!
Teraeric - Orlando, FL - 1 peep, 1 motor
vanguard138 - N. Michigan - 1 peep & 1 motor
I'm guessing the Hub's already booked full?
Is there overflow hotel where extra Rocketeers are staying?
I'm thinking I can take a couple of days off and make a long weekend out of it.
I'm hopping I can hit the beginning and bugger off early before the fuzz gets tired of all the nuisance complaints.
I'm guessing the Hub's already booked full?
Is there overflow hotel where extra Rocketeers are staying?
I'm thinking I can take a couple of days off and make a long weekend out of it.
I'm hopping I can hit the beginning and bugger off early before the fuzz gets tired of all the nuisance complaints.