2007 Classic Carpenter Dreaded Click

There seems to be a lot of different things that can cause the dreaded click
Just recently I've had that on 2 of my Rockets & tried & cleaned absolutely everything. Would do the rock in gear even & it would eventually start!
What it turned out to be was the starter relay wire (black) to starter solenoid plug that sits behind the engine that you can't get at & they get dirty & corrode ... so that wire from relay goes into the harness & comes out back of motor to the plug then down to starter solenoid plug ( it's a single wire & I know cause I cut an old loom to check).
So I just ran a new wire from starter to the relay & waaala...no problems since.
It was without a doubt the ignition. I have now installed an RF Relay and it starts perfect. So now I have a new starter, new battery, clean crankshaft sensor, ignition bypass (to fix the click) then ISCV set, new primary TPS sensor, clean throttle body springs, new vacuum caps and new vacuum lines on the way (for hanging idle issue). I've even bypassed the stepper motor and still hangs when I blip the throttle.