I have read everything I could read about this issue but still can't figure it out. I get 1 click when I push the start button. I seem to be able to start the bike in 2 ways.
1. Wait for the weather to warm up and it seems to start more often, but I still experience the click.
2. Put it in gear roll it around, and it seems to start
Here is what I have done so far to try to fix it.
1. Installed a new high CCA Lithium Battery along with a secondary battery.
2. Pulled of clutch switch and cleaned. Left it out of the bike so it stayed, no help.
3. Replaced Starter relay/along with pulling out all the wires and tightening the connectors
4. Replaced starter with an upgraded 17610 starter
5. I tried to pull and clean the crank sensor, but it seems stuck in there. Any tips on pulling it? Yes I took out the screw LOL