2005 TR3 Roadster TORS no CAT

.. I have not been able to "benchmark" it against my buddies CVO 110 with mods. We were neck and neck before the tune...

I am very surprised that a CVO keeps up with this bike!
I have a bunch of friends that have Harleys, and even with them dumping thousands into their engines (including one with all of the Screamin' Eagle crap), they can't touch me.
I am very surprised that a CVO keeps up with this bike!
I have a bunch of friends that have Harleys, and even with them dumping thousands into their engines (including one with all of the Screamin' Eagle crap), they can't touch me.

It's pretty amazing since nothing was done to the bottom end or heads. 2011 Dyna Fat Bob CVO 110 with CAMs, CAM bearings, intake, pipes, tune..etc. Another friend has a Dyna Springer CVO 110 with intake, pipes and tune and he walks away from him. Hard to believe a CAM change plus the right tune makes such a difference.
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It's pretty amazing since nothing was done to the bottom end. 2011 Fat Bob CVO with CAM, intake, pipes, CAM bearings, tune..etc. Don't think any head work. Another friend has a Dyna Springer CVO 110 with intake, pipes and tune and he walks away from him. Hard to believe a CAM change plus the right tune makes such a difference.

No doubt! My buddy with all of the Screamin' Eagle stuff put a new cam in too. I can't wait to tell him he obviously put the wrong cam in it.

On another note, next time you run them, make sure you do it after waiting in some stop-and go traffic for 20-30 min. Air cooling has its limits...
No doubt! My buddy with all of the Screamin' Eagle stuff put a new cam in too. I can't wait to tell him he obviously put the wrong cam in it.

On another note, next time you run them, make sure you do it after waiting in some stop-and go traffic for 20-30 min. Air cooling has its limits...

He spent a lot of time on the forums picking a CAM. That was almost two years ago. He says there are better choices now. His crank will probably go out of true if he keeps spanking it.

Traffic and high heat will sap even a water cooled bike. The long lines of traffic in Daytona at 95F can make any bike lose power. My Busa couldn't handle it. Fan was too small. A newer Harley will shut down it's rear cylinder in traffic. The radiator on the R3 seems a bit small especially since there is no cooling for the oil. My fan is on almost full time around town and my legs get quite warm. The shroud does a crappy job of diverting hot air.
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If your fan is on nearly constantly it might be worth flushing the cooling system and checking for good flow in the radiator. I live in Dallas, TX and even in the 100+ degree days in slow traffic my 09 standard only has the fan come on around 40% of the time.

Mark Dunn.

I talked to a friend that is a the head mechanic of a huge Harley dealership in our area. He started laughing at the prospect that a CVO (even with the work you described) would even come anywhere near our bikes. He has been on mine and opened it up on several occasions. I suspect that if you are running anywhere close to those CVOs that you be having a more serious issue than just your fan and the popping on deceleration.

I talked to a friend that is a the head mechanic of a huge Harley dealership in our area. He started laughing at the prospect that a CVO (even with the work you described) would even come anywhere near our bikes. He has been on mine and opened it up on several occasions. I suspect that if you are running anywhere close to those CVOs that you be having a more serious issue than just your fan and the popping on deceleration.

It's been a while since I reported back. I probably have 2000 miles on the bike since I got it. The "new" tune did wonders as far as diminishing backfiring on decel. I cannot tell if performance was significantly improved. As far as my buddies 201x Harley 110 CVO Fat Bob with CAM, intake, pipes, tune..., it is still a battle who will win a roll on battle. Whoever gets the jump, wins the 60-100 battle. I have yet to meet another 110 CVO that comes close to how his bike performs. I have other friends with a CVO 110 with intake, pipes and tune but AFAIK no CAM. He can smoke them. I can say this for sure my old Busa would have absolutely smoked the R3 on the highway.
I have spent a lot of time working on Harleys and beefing them up. Way to much time to and money for the results I got out of it. With that said My 2010 Fatboy which started out as a 96 cubic inch is now a completely rebuilt 103 with upgraded primary and transmission plus fuel system. It will flat smoke a CVO 110. Even a stage two CVO 110 has no chance. The Rocket X which is stock other than a upgraded tune Kicks the Fatboy"s $ss. I would go back and check the engine and fuel system on the Rocket. A lot of my friends ride really high performance Harley,s ( If there really is such a thing) and yes the first couple of times we went out riding together they would challenge the Rocket X. The embarrassment they received soon stopped all that. Matter as fact one of my friends who is a die hard Harley type now owns a 2016 roadster. :D:D
I have spent a lot of time working on Harleys and beefing them up. Way to much time to and money for the results I got out of it. With that said My 2010 Fatboy which started out as a 96 cubic inch is now a completely rebuilt 103 with upgraded primary and transmission plus fuel system. It will flat smoke a CVO 110. Even a stage two CVO 110 has no chance. The Rocket X which is stock other than a upgraded tune Kicks the Fatboy"s $ss. I would go back and check the engine and fuel system on the Rocket. A lot of my friends ride really high performance Harley,s ( If there really is such a thing) and yes the first couple of times we went out riding together they would challenge the Rocket X. The embarrassment they received soon stopped all that. Matter as fact one of my friends who is a die hard Harley type now owns a 2016 roadster. :D:D

As far as I can tell my bike is fine. No stumbles or any issues that would point to a fueling problem. I wish there was something wrong. It is not as quick as I would like it to be.

I have yet to see a 1/4 mile run of a "stock" R3 that can break into the low 11's. Every review shows 11.5 - 12.2 sec. Considering a stock CVO 110 is like 12.5 sec I'm not seeing any reason a "modified" CVO 110 won't run neck and neck with an R3 like mine. AFAIK a "stage 2" CVO does not have a different CAM. The stock CVO CAM is mild.

I used to have a Vulcan 2000 and it would hang very close to a stock CVO. After the CVO got the CAM upgrade no way. My Stratoliner could never hang. My 1st gen Busa and 2nd gen FZ1 would smoke any of the bikes once over 100 mph. A rolling run was no contest. The Busa was capable of low 10's and the FZ1 was mid 10's.
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