It's on the TuneECU site under 3/4 cyclinder custom tunes. This tune was made on a dyno by Wayne MacDonald who developed and sells Tuneboy in Australia. It's for the older R3's with TOR's and cat bypass. It has the secondary throttle plates open to 100% (unrestricted). It's based on the original base map 20050 for standard exhaust with catalyst which is now 20222. It has the I3 ignition table from 20222 and this is copied into I2 and I1 for the lower gears to advance the timing. It has the L tables from 20222 but he added fuel to try to reduce decel popping. He also added fuel to the main fuel tables (L). The speedometer is corrected by 6.5% and the top speed is raised to 250 km/hr. The rev limit is stock (6300 rpm). You can look at the idle RPM, which depends on engine temperature, when you load it but it's 846 at 38 C. He claims 145 hp, 157 ft lb, but doesn't specify the standardization method (SAE or STD).Any other details about this tune? It's not obvious on the TuneECU site. Any changes to rev limit, speedo calibration...etc?