2005 TR3 Roadster TORS no CAT

I don't know if that tune will change the stalling problem. Try it. Uncheck the O2 sensor. Do the reset adapt, then the 12 minute tune - wait 12 minutes after the fan comes on without touching the throttle.

Does it ever idle OK? If not, jack up the idle in the idle table. If it is idling OK, except when you come to a stop, then something's wrong. Could be the TPS. I had this same problem but it only started after I had a PCIII installed and tuned. I noticed he had a +5% trim in the idle area. So I thought maybe it was getting too much fuel and flooding. I removed that +5% and it stopped doing it.

The engine idles OK. The problem only seems to occur coming to a stop in 1st gear. For such a large engine I would not think it would stall so easily. Once I get the bike on the scanner I will see what I can do.
It's on the TuneECU site under 3/4 cyclinder custom tunes. This tune was made on a dyno by Wayne MacDonald who developed and sells Tuneboy in Australia. It's for the older R3's with TOR's and cat bypass. It has the secondary throttle plates open to 100% (unrestricted). It's based on the original base map 20050 for standard exhaust with catalyst which is now 20222. It has the I3 ignition table from 20222 and this is copied into I2 and I1 for the lower gears to advance the timing. It has the L tables from 20222 but he added fuel to try to reduce decel popping. He also added fuel to the main fuel tables (L). The speedometer is corrected by 6.5% and the top speed is raised to 250 km/hr. The rev limit is stock (6300 rpm). You can look at the idle RPM, which depends on engine temperature, when you load it but it's 846 at 38 C. He claims 145 hp, 157 ft lb, but doesn't specify the standardization method (SAE or STD).

The "original" tune in my ECU was 20219. From what I gather this was for the Classic not my model.

I loaded the 20050DynoFinalMap_TOR_CatBypass_Decel tune. Popping has diminished a lot. Idle varies between 750-800 RPM. I don't know how this relates to the 846 RPM you state is in the tune. It seems very similar to the 20219 tune which I thought was a bit low. I will probably increase it a bit. How much the power has changed is unknown. I need to compare it to my buddys CVO 110 with a CAM. We were neck and neck the last outing.
My 2005 dynoed at 140hp/150tq with this tune. Sounds like you need to add 50-100 to the idle table.
I have a 2005 standard with what sounds and looks like the same setup/issue as Busaboy except for the stalling. Unfortunately I have no information on the aftermarket exhaust to confirm that it is a TORS.
  • Is the any way to confirm which exhaust I have before I add a tune?
  • Busaboy, how how has the tune you selected been now that you have been running it for a few weeks? I get a lot of deceleration popping too.
  • Any other recommended tunes?
  • Lastly, assuming I use the same tune as Busaboy, I have already checked my (just replaced) speedo and it is dead on. Should I still allow the tune to correct the speedo because of the other parameter changes or not?
Thanks in advance!
Assuming you still have 3 mufflers, the TORs have an EPA stamp on them at the back about not riding them on road. If you have the TORs, you should have the cat bypass pipe in place of the catalytic converter. The two look completely different. For the stock tunes the speedo reads high by about 6%. The decel tune has a -6 or -6.5% to correct this. You can change whatever you want in the tune. It won't affect other things in other tables.
Thanks dougl! I have cleaned the crap off of the inside of the tips and cannot see a stamping of any sort referencing an EPA warning. I know for sure that this setup has the cat bypass installed, but I would really like to be sure of the pipes before I start loading tunes. I have attached a few photos.
2015-10-12 11.45.34.jpg
2015-10-12 11.45.22.jpg
Thanks dougl! I have cleaned the crap off of the inside of the tips and cannot see a stamping of any sort referencing an EPA warning. I know for sure that this setup has the cat bypass installed, but I would really like to be sure of the pipes before I start loading tunes. I have attached a few photos.
2015-10-12 11.45.34.jpg
2015-10-12 11.45.22.jpg
The stamp is on the outside, underneath, I think before the tips. It's been so long I've looked at one of these mufflers I can't tell if they are stock Triumph mufflers, TOR Triumph mufflers or Staintunes. What's weird is that someone would put the cat bypass pipe in with the stock (non-performance) mufflers. There is no stock tune for that, and other custom tunes, like the 20050 final map decel tune, were typically done for TORs/cat bypass.
The stamp is on the outside, underneath, I think before the tips. It's been so long I've looked at one of these mufflers I can't tell if they are stock Triumph mufflers, TOR Triumph mufflers or Staintunes. What's weird is that someone would put the cat bypass pipe in with the stock (non-performance) mufflers. There is no stock tune for that, and other custom tunes, like the 20050 final map decel tune, were typically done for TORs/cat bypass.

Thanks bud! That was what I needed. I found it on the bottom of the top pipe. It is a decal (I can't believe it withstood the heat). I do have the TORS.
Time to get tuning...
Thanks bud! That was what I needed. I found it on the bottom of the top pipe. It is a decal (I can't believe it withstood the heat). I do have the TORS.
Time to get tuning...
Try this:

Uncheck the O2 sensor box.
I have a 2005 standard with what sounds and looks like the same setup/issue as Busaboy except for the stalling. Unfortunately I have no information on the aftermarket exhaust to confirm that it is a TORS.
  • Busaboy, how how has the tune you selected been now that you have been running it for a few weeks? I get a lot of deceleration popping too.

Bike seems to be running better. The horrendous popping on decel is virtually eliminated. That one difference alone is huge. I always had to be careful decelerating near the PoPo. Hard to tell if it is any faster yet. I have not been able to "benchmark" it against my buddies CVO 110 with mods. We were neck and neck before the tune. He used to walk away from my stock Vulcan 2000 and stock Star Stratoliner. Now he has to spank his CVO to keep up with me.

As far as stalling, it has only happened 4 times in two months. I have to pull in the clutch in time while slowing down in 2nd gear. Dropping to 1st while moving more than 10MPH generates one hell of a thunk so I hold off till the last second. Almost identical to my Vulcan 2000. The VN2000 would never stall however.

Whats bags are you using? Anymore pics? I really want to get some bags for the bike but have not found much yet.