2 tire options, which one

My cobber put an 888 metz on his R model (rear) a couple of months ago and thinks its fine. Our roads here in the south Island of NZ, particularly the west coast, are very rough chip in the tarseal. This is apparently to help shed the heavy rain encountered there. The Metz is coping pretty well so far. The Avon chromes are a great tyre and its interesting that Triumph went away from Metzeler on these bikes and went the Avon way.
Thanks for all the replies. It seems that those that have actually used the me888’s have liked them just fine. The earlier 880’s seemed to sour peoples opinion on the Metzeler for power bikes. The Avons have been nice and sticky for me, just wearing out fast. And I don’t ride it aggressively very often. The Avons are about $100 cheaper here in the states as well.
This has been an interesting thread. Came here to see if there are better tyres than the stock Avon. Why, I hear you ask? Because my rear spins like a bastard coming out of corners, or off at the lights.
Not so much as to cause crashing but enough to get the blood flowing. Sometimes this is fun, sometimes you would prefer to have grip, and/or would prefer the traction control not to be cutting the revs.
But consensus here seems to be that the Avon is the stickiest option.
I went back to the Avon after reading replies on the Metzeler. Just for reference, I got 8k out of the rear. Mixed riding. Some canyons, quite a bit of highway, not too much city. I don’t hammer it everywhere. A few spirited runs ever time I ride it. I too get some slippage occasionally. Usually on very hot days where road is well over 100, or before I have had a chance to let the tire warm up in the morning. Front will seemingly look to go maybe 14k.
I had 2 sets of ME888 on my Intruder VL800 2015. First set lasts almost 50000 km. Really good tires. Next set lasts only 25000 km, I have feeling that the tires were absolutely different than the first. They slipped on wet, often also by breaking, and generally were not so confident by cornering.
Problem is that now I cannot find the Avons in Middle Europe shops, and Metzeler looks like the only alternative in the size. So I don't know, what to do.
I believe the Avon Chromes are Unobtanium since they closed the UK plant. I can't find them any where except on Craigslist and you would pay more for shipping than the tire itself. I should call the local dealer and ask them which tire they believe would best fit the Rocket and then go with anything but the tire they suggest.