Riding Motor Since 1950
Ask him how many bikes he's tuned with Tuneboy or TuneECU. If none, find someone else. I you can't find anyone with a lot of experience and you want to [calibrate] thefuel for some reason like you've installed new pistons or exhaust or some such, think about getting a Power Commander if you can find someone who is good at tuning these. Before you do, buy the TuneECU cable and use that free program to create and load a tune to open the secondaries 100% - before you get the PC dyno tuned. The only reason Triumph closed them was to reduce the torque so people wouldn't kill themselves or ruin the bikes. Note that they have abandoned this bullcrap with the new Roadsters [for the most part] by opening the secondaries 100% in the peak torque area.
Thanks, Doug.
I currently have a PCV+AT and the cable. Bike runs good' however, from past experience with my other cruiser I agree with Grey Beard that there is NO replacement for a proper dyno tune to the actual motor my ass sits astride.