2 Rockets Compare Dobeck Performance AFR Plus to TuneECU - Long Post

Is the PC V compatible with the 2006? In any case I know a guy with an older tourer with Jardines and Triples and with a PC III got it tuned to 157 hp.
Thanks for the feedback and comments.

Barbagris is dead on. However, the methods he describes requires the high level of tech knowledge and tech equipment to optimize the changes and don't forget the dyno man. Mark Dobeck was the founder of DynoJet. I believe he invented PC but sold the company before PCV. Yes Mark did create the tune in the AFR Plus for my bike. He had it on his dyno for the better part of 2 days. I'm planning on taking it back to him for the next round of tests to improve the tune we already have.

For my dyno tests I considered using only my Red Rocket for the test because I know using two bikes creates some external invalidity in my experiment. However, with limited cash for the dyno man, I wanted to see what both bikes had and get them both optimized. I would like to know what tune is better than 20050 for these bikes. I tried Power-Tripps Decel tune everybody is talking about and really didn't see a better result. My final power curve on the dyno report was the smoothest and highest output throughout the curve with 20050 and the 75% secondaries ( in just a few rpm spots).

The point of the test was to demonstrate there is an alternative for those who feel less tech savvy, don't want to mess with the whole change everything route or those who would not want to get into the cost of dyno man and all the changes needed to gain some power. The AFR Plus gave my bike a realy nice power boost that I could feel in the seat of my pants without making any changes to the intake, exhaust or the ECU stock 20226 tune. I wanted to know for sure, so the dyno tests. What I really like is the fact that if you catch the bug after installing AFR Plus, it will allow you to make simple adjustments to correct for any exhaust or intake mods you may make. No computer or dyno man needed.

I believe the AFR Plus is a viable alternative for those who wish to choose this more simple and safe path.
He was certainly behind the Fuel Nanny and the TFI A LONG TIME AGO.

My guess is that much of the PCV is from somebody else's brain.

Mark Dobeck started Dynojet in Belgrade, MT, a LONG time ago (1984-1985 IIRC). He hired in a couple of guys that designed and produced the first Power Commanders - adjustable with a screwdriver via dashpots. The company was sold and moved to Las Vegas about 4-5 years later. [He then founded Dobeck Performance that has produced quite a few different products over the years.]

The second owners continued with the Power Commander evolution, but it was sold about 3 years later to the current owners. The original PC inventors have long since left - they actually worked for Marc Salvisberg at Factory Pro to develop his TEKA units.

The PCV came out in 2009, and is just a PC3 USB made with a single chip. This makes it a bit cheaper and easier to produce, and gives it a few new abilities that had to be handled externally in prior units.


I well remember the first PC units - not fun, but the best we had at the time. Carbs were still better, at that time. It didn't take long for software and 8 bit and 16 bit E-PROM burners to arrive on the scene and some of us moved into this fairly early. CLUMSY software, and very time consuming to tune.

The BAD old days. :rolleyes:
Thank you Idaho Red for posting your findings. Just like religion, I'll listen to just about anybody, especially when it's free, and add it to all the other stuff that runs around in my poor old head. I'll take experience over book learnin every time!:rolleyes:
You got me to thinking about the flat spots I seemed to notice, here and there, after I opened up my secondary's 100%. Went out this morning, hooked up TuneEcu, loaded up the stock map, and tweaked the secondary's. Put 4th and 5th gears back to 100%, and readjusted the first 3 gears up from stock, but not 100%. Took her out for a spin, and no more flat spots! I know, I know, if I'd done this, or that, it would have worked at 100%, but like many have said, way over my head. Reminds me of that stupid little bracket that Chevy used to put on the back of their starters. A pain in the arse, and I usually tossed them. One guy told me that if Chevy thought they could get away without using that 5 cent part, to them, it's thousands of dollars at 5 cents per vehicle. I don't think Triumph put in our secondary's just for chits and giggles. Remember the old Carter "thermo quads" that had the adjustable spring loaded "choke" plate over the secondary's? It was there for a reason, and worked quite well at stopping a huge flat spot when you opened up those massive secondary's. Just sayin, that's all. I love the info on this site.:)
****, grey beard!
Erudite, pithy and eloquent come to my mind!

Thanks for taking the time to post this. My understanding of things FI increased on a 0% to 100% . . . from 2% to 4%. Still so much to learn about this stuff.

I'm curious - what questions would you recommend asking a prospective dyno operator in order to ascertain if he is THE MAN to tune your motor???
****, grey beard!
Erudite, pithy and eloquent come to my mind!

Thanks for taking the time to post this. My understanding of things FI increased on a 0% to 100% . . . from 2% to 4%. Still so much to learn about this stuff.

I'm curious - what questions would you recommend asking a prospective dyno operator in order to ascertain if he is THE MAN to tune your motor???

Ask him how many bikes he's tuned with Tuneboy or TuneECU. If none, find someone else. I you can't find anyone with a lot of experience and you want to [calibrate] thefuel for some reason like you've installed new pistons or exhaust or some such, think about getting a Power Commander if you can find someone who is good at tuning these. Before you do, buy the TuneECU cable and use that free program to create and load a tune to open the secondaries 100% - before you get the PC dyno tuned. The only reason Triumph closed them was to reduce the torque so people wouldn't kill themselves or ruin the bikes. Note that they have abandoned this bullcrap with the new Roadsters [for the most part] by opening the secondaries 100% in the peak torque area.