Mark Dobeck started Dynojet in Belgrade, MT, a LONG time ago (1984-1985 IIRC). He hired in a couple of guys that designed and produced the first Power Commanders - adjustable with a screwdriver via dashpots. The company was sold and moved to Las Vegas about 4-5 years later. [He then founded Dobeck Performance that has produced quite a few different products over the years.]
The second owners continued with the Power Commander evolution, but it was sold about 3 years later to the current owners. The original PC inventors have long since left - they actually worked for Marc Salvisberg at Factory Pro to develop his TEKA units.
The PCV came out in 2009, and is just a PC3 USB made with a single chip. This makes it a bit cheaper and easier to produce, and gives it a few new abilities that had to be handled externally in prior units.
I well remember the first PC units - not fun, but the best we had at the time. Carbs were still better, at that time. It didn't take long for software and 8 bit and 16 bit E-PROM burners to arrive on the scene and some of us moved into this fairly early. CLUMSY software, and very time consuming to tune.
The BAD old days.