2.5L Rocket Stroker Engine Kit with 6 Speed Transmission (R&D)

So the world's biggest Rocket engine is ready to run... I'm scared, I don't wanna start it

That is a crying shame. Not enough takers?

Yes, kind of a catch 22, they're expensive to make unless it's in an ample batch size.
And right now the kit buyers would be beta testers, hence the reluctance.

4 guys willing right now, but 12 is needed to make it somewhat affordable.

CCing cylinders

So excited for you !

Looking at videos on line of folks who run big engines just to see them run (aircraft, tank, tractor, railroad, stationary, etc.) most have stout mounts to keep the engines in one place.

Yours seems to be posed for the eye candy. We'll know you're ready when we see the straps/steel stabilizers.

And as you've done previously, when you post that, we'll want the video with the associated sound track.

Big fan club awaiting your next release.
So the world's biggest Rocket engine is ready to run... I'm scared, I don't wanna start it
Note you have it with all the inlet gubbins and Genuine "RockingHorsePoo" Triumph fuel. . Like the yellow instrument mounts too.

Regarding 6 speed. I'd love to, but honestly I'm not sure how long I'll be holding onto my R3. And really I'd have to do the 2500 thing too, would I not?!.
That TALL 6th would have been ideal for my UK runs. But sadly I think those days are past.
So many things that you were going to do in life, at this age you realize that if you haven't already done it, you probably never will.
Yeah - now it's not so much I've not done it - it's more I'm not really enjoying it as much. Well except experimenting with rum, but that's plain obvious!.
Excellent work. That's definitely taking the "Boys with their Toys" attitude to a new level.

Are you going to include a set of high compression pistons to go with the kit or are you thinking progressive packages like Carpenter provides.
1. Stroker. $$
2. Stroker & High Comp Pistons. $$$
3. Stroker, Pistons, Cams, Pipes etc etc. $$$$$
Great work Art, but all good R and D involves destruction testing...video please...