2,500 mile review on first dark side experience.

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40psi is all right for a bike tyre that has only a small contact patch. As the DS has a larger contact area you don't need as much pressure to do the job properly. At 30psi it is not under-inflated. Many cars run at 30-35psi and so the tyre is quite happy to be in that area.
I solved all the problems I replaced the DS tire with a MICH commander 2 now all is well
MICH commander 2 is the best tire on the market. Run them on the Harley.To bad they do make one for the Roadster.

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A passenger vehicle is a road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).

Passenger vehicle - a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work"
I solved all the problems I replaced the DS tire with a MICH commander 2 now all is well
No problem to solve when you run a Dark Side at the Right pressure, not everyone runs carbon NonStandard size rims Art
MICH commander 2 is the best tire on the market. Run them on the Harley.To bad they do make one for the Roadster.
No problem to solve when you run a Dark Side at the Right pressure, not everyone runs carbon NonStandard size rims Art
My CF wheels came with tires and a CT on the rear so I installed the wheels as they came and said Ill give it a go and do some testing with the 18 inch BST CF wheels with the already mounted CT rear and MC up front tire and first thing I noticed the bike handled better with the stock wheels and METZ tires ? So off I went to ride all the different types of roads and I played with tire pressure to try and find the sweet spot for the tires and I kept the wheels on for almost a month and several thousand miles and without a doubt the biked handled better with the original tires and wheels SO then I decided to install new MC tires to compare 240 -18 MICH Commander 2 rear and a BS EXCEDRA MAX 130 front WOW is all I can say a total transformation the bike does everything better with this tire combo no comparison a terrific tire and wheel setup no complaints whatsoever and they are on my bike now so if any of the local Rocket owners want to hook up Ill let them test ride it

About TrafficSafe

Ride on whatever the fork you want. I, for one, will never, ever return to the Darkside for many reasons that will fall on deaf ears on the one hand and make perfectly rational sense to others.

Consider the pot well-stirred!
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