For those with R3GT/Rs who have changed their air filter at 10K miles - was it necessary (e.g. was it dirty enough to warrant the work and expense)? Also, I seem to remember seeing something here (pictures and such) on lubricating the rear wheel outer roller bearing, but I can't find it. Any help will be appreciated. One of the local dealers wants $700 for the 10k service and DOES NOT include lubing the roller bearing, flushing brake fluid or coolant.
For those with R3GT/Rs who have changed their air filter at 10K miles - was it necessary (e.g. was it dirty enough to warrant the work and expense)? Also, I seem to remember seeing something here (pictures and such) on lubricating the rear wheel outer roller bearing, but I can't find it. Any help will be appreciated. One of the local dealers wants $700 for the 10k service and DOES NOT include lubing the roller bearing, flushing brake fluid or coolant.
700$ :O
i just did 10k service, my air filter was not that bad, maybe I have less populated area near me? There is a video somewhere on internet to remove air filter without removing the fuel tank
For those with R3GT/Rs who have changed their air filter at 10K miles - was it necessary (e.g. was it dirty enough to warrant the work and expense)? Also, I seem to remember seeing something here (pictures and such) on lubricating the rear wheel outer roller bearing, but I can't find it. Any help will be appreciated. One of the local dealers wants $700 for the 10k service and DOES NOT include lubing the roller bearing, flushing brake fluid or coolant.
rear wheel roller bearing is pretty easy to do, if you plan to do stuff by yourself, invest in digital torque wrench 0 to 200 nm range and a center jack stand for rocket/harley.
For those with R3GT/Rs who have changed their air filter at 10K miles - was it necessary (e.g. was it dirty enough to warrant the work and expense)? Also, I seem to remember seeing something here (pictures and such) on lubricating the rear wheel outer roller bearing, but I can't find it. Any help will be appreciated. One of the local dealers wants $700 for the 10k service and DOES NOT include lubing the roller bearing, flushing brake fluid or coolant.
Wow! How many km on that clutch fluid? That looks nasty.
My Suzuki SV used to do that with it's clutch fluid. It was shown to be a design flaw. The slave cylinder seal was drawing chain lube and muck in, each time it retracted.
Wow! How many km on that clutch fluid? That looks nasty.
My Suzuki SV used to do that with it's clutch fluid. It was shown to be a design flaw. The slave cylinder seal was drawing chain lube and muck in, each time it retracted.
18months and it went bad, km are irrelevant here because brake fluid/clutch fluid once bottle opened goes bad within 2 years as it absorbs moisture because of temperature variation. perhaps this one which I changed should last longer