1. Hipporider

    Ramair vs Unifilters vs K&N ?

    Ive been running Unifilters for well over 80000klm or more i think. My understanding at the time was that they breathed better than the K&N's. I know little about Ramair. What i do know about Unifilters is they leave an oily mess,even after ive squeezed the excess out heavily. Whats the...
  2. Hipporider

    Best place to buy a Ramair kit?

    Greetings. Well, i need to put a Ramair and the assorted K&N filters on breathing pipe, O2 sensor. Where is a site i can buy the full kit and caboodle online? Last time i bought Unifilters (bike still hasn't burnt down, Ruzz ;-) ,K&N breather filter for the old R3 2005 when i switched to...
  3. Individuel Ramair question

    Hi Guys Another quick question, I have what must be an older Ramair filter setup on my 04 which comprises of three individual filters. The air temperature sensor just seems to be hanging between throttle bodies 1 and 2 under the left side of the fuel tank, is this correct or should...
  4. outriders58

    Bear Claw, RamAir

    I'm looking for the one who makes the Bear Claw. I'm thinking that is what it is called. It's the custom air intake on the side. with the hole for air flow. Can someone steer me in the right direction.
  5. Blackthou

    Question 1 RamAir and Bearclaw

    I noticed today when removing the bearclaw it had been compressing the outer foam on the RamAir filter. Double checked everything and the only way I could get it to all clear was to remove the centre rubber on the bearclaw where it hooks on the tank. Anyone had similar findings and if so how...
  6. AussieMick

    Ramair and Lonelec Cable Arrived

    Well the Ramair and Lonelec Cable arrived today. Ramair: Read the instructions and checked out the YouTube install and read the Forums, looks like an easy enough job. Slow, steady and followed by a 12 Minute Tune. Lonelec and TuneECU: Now this is going to take some serious thought. Was...
  7. Pumbaa

    Need more Air

    Firstly my apologies if this has been asked and answered before, I am still trying to find my way around all the posts. I have already had my air box removed and had the 3 K&N filters installed under my Bear Claw, but have recently been thinking about getting rid of the Bear Claw and doing a...
  8. Babarocket3newbie

    Ramair and Arnott Air Ride install

    Hey guys, So finally got around to installing the Ramair kit and Arnott air ride. So, just followed this youtube video and install took about an hour and it was a fairly easy install. After install, used Tune ECU and a @HansO (master guru) tune and did the 12 minute tune... OMG let me just...
  9. Nathan Hartkopf

    CES full system and Ramair without Tune?

    I'll be receiving a CES full system in a couple weeks along with a Ramair intake as well. I'm super excited to get it on the bike and tuned, But I have one problem. The guy who will be doing the tune is at a bike event I'm attending and will only be there for a day and it pretty booked...
  10. ChicagoRocket

    Power commander 5 tune for 16r3r tors and ramair

    Anybody got a pc5 tune for a 16 with Tors and ramair?
  11. AussieMick

    Ramair water ingress?

    Looking at Ramair already and do not even pick up the bike until tomorrow. A question I have which I couldn't find in the forum and may appear quite silly to some is: In wet weather, how is water not sucked into the throttle body through the foam filter. The original setup meant that the air had...
  12. Mhboldt

    14 R3R w ramair only

    I bought a 2014 Roadster, and the po installed a ramair intake with the factory exhaust. Is there a tune for this? I just got my USB cable from across the pond, so I'm new to rockets and tunecu both. Is there a reason to retune without a freer breathing exhaust? Thanks!
  13. sonny

    Ramair Roar

    Well took the bike to work yesterday. When I left the dirt road for the pavement, i gave it a little gas and heard a funny roar sound coming from under the bear claw. Backed off the gas imminently. Thought to myself "you screwed something up". Parked it on the side of the road and listen to the...
  14. cskals

    Wanted: Tune for ramair, de-cat, standard freeflow exhaust.

    As the header says, can anybody help me out?
  15. Ted Biggie

    ISO Hanso tune for '14 R3R with TORS and RAMAIR

    I'd rather not bother Hanso at the moment. If anyone has a 3rd generation Hanso tune for Roadster with TORS and Ramair, can you PM me please? THANK YOU! Ted
  16. Super D.

    Looking for a tune - 2005 Classic with RamAir & Viking 3-1 exhaust.

    The title pretty much says it all... I am looking for a tune - 2005 Classic with RamAir & Viking 3-1 exhaust. I have heard that Hanso is on the mend, I have reached out a couple of times, but he is likely busy recovering. So if anyone else has one, or can help me out.... It would be greatly...
  17. R3Rx118

    Tune for 15 Roadster with Ramair and Viking Exhaust

    Hey guys, looking for a tune for my 15 Roadster. Currently have Ramair installed and am running a 3 into 1 slip on until my full system arrives from Viking. If anyone has anything for either of these set ups please let me know. Thanks!
  18. UtilityKnife

    Installing Ramair

    Anyone mind sending me a tune for R3T, I'm installing my ramair this week and already have tors. Didn't want to bug Hanso, sounds like he needs the down time.
  19. sonny


    No tracking number or shipment date sent. It just showed up today via the mail person. Was really surprised.
  20. elcanaco


    Does anyone know who sells the Ramair system on the left side of the pond? I have access to buy from the US or Canada but have not seen anyone selling them here. TIA, Gord