1. Samo1029

    Zard and a ramair? Help?

    Could anybody point me in the right direction of a zard and ramair tune or something that would work with it? I would appreciate any help no matter how small! Thanks from a newbie!
  2. EasTexRIII

    RamAir filter

    I've bought & used the RamAir recharge kit & it is ok but, the cleaner bottle barely has enuff for 1 cleaning, so I bought some of this off ebay: Weapon-R FOAM Air Filter cleaning solution FREE SHIP LIMITED TIME OFFER | eBay It works great & it is much easier to use as it sprays on - you...
  3. MikeCR

    Ramair Comparison

    Hi guys, (This may end up as multiple posts... I have tried a couple of times now to post this stuff but keep hitting size limits so we will see how it goes.) I posted recently about finding differences in manufacturing between Ramair's advertised kit and the kit I found installed on my R3...
  4. Bedifferent

    Well, I finally needed to do the RamAir and Nels Tune

    I've been running the TORs on my R3T along with just the Power Tripp tune and today was the day I decided to make some changes. It has been 90 degrees with high humidity here in Michigan and today it finally cooled down to the mid 60s. I noticed some issues with my bike, in particular, not...
  5. Danvitt

    Any tunes for carpenter setups with ramair?

    Hey all, will be looking to add the ramair and carpenter pipes to my 2013 R3R. Browsing through the resources I haven't found anything except maybe one for the CES pipes. Does any one have a tune that would work or could maybe share a recommendation?
  6. MikeCR

    Ramair Knock off?

    Hey guys, Would it be possible that there is such a thing as a Ramair knock off... Ramair Filters TR-111 Kit Filtre à Air [12WEuB0508230] - €27.13 The crank filter and cable look very slightly different than the picture on Ramair's website. I know there can be manufacturing differences over...
  7. Hubguru

    R3R with Ramair and Dave Platt slip-on video with sound.

    Uploaded video to show sound notes of the new Dave Platt slip-on single. Dyno chart as well: I've had a lot of bikes and upgrades, ramair plus slip-on and dyno tune is hands down the most bang for the buck over any of my previous bike upgrades. The rocket really comes alive, quicker...
  8. Manic_Mechanic

    ISO Ramair and Rumblers Tune

    The Beast is alive and kicking A$$. Finally found a set of Jardine's and installed them. Already had the Ramair. I could have sworn that I saw a tune ecu tune for this setup but can't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  9. Rock It

    Is a dynotune necessary yet?

    Hi guys, I've installed a ramair onto my 2012 Roadster. I wondering if I need a dynotune at this point? I figured I would wait until my exhaust comes so I could have it dynotuned once that arrived but that has been delayed. So long story short can I ride it without getting a dynotune? Cheers
  10. Jvheli

    CES Ramair dyno tune feedback

    Thought Id share some feedback from my trip regarding how the bike performs with the mods Ive done: The bike runs soooooo good. All day, high temps, the pipe is no different than stock. The only caviat is it eats rain gear....at least the one I have now. I did learn how to clean melted...
  11. Idaho Red Rocket 3

    Installing RamAir filter ... Should I cut the BearClaw for better airflow ?

    My new RamAir filter is scheduled to arrive Monday. Going to install right away and download one of the tunes in resources. I have the 3 pipe TORs, Triumph cat eliminator and a Dobeck Performance AFR Plus. If I can get the time off from work going to join RAA West to do some dyno tunng at...
  12. lunatic

    looking for tuneEcu map. 2005 with sidewinder & ramair.

    Hello, Need tune for a 2005 with ramair and carpenter sidewinder exhaust. I looked on tuneEcu and didnt find a tune there that matches this combo. Anyone have one of Hans tunes they can send me?
  13. 9Ball

    For Sale ***SOLD*** New RamAir filter and cleaning/oiling kit

    ***SOLD*** I bought this filter on October 15, 2013 with plans to install it on my 2007 Standard. I’m going through my spare parts and unused accessories and clearing them out. Hopefully someone here can use this filter. I don’t plan on spending any more money for accessories on my bike...
  14. Hello from N.E Ohio. R3T1Sgt here. New in. Been reading you guys for awhile.

    Working on making my 2013 R3T breath!!! RamAir kit and Dain pipe inbound. Looking for the best TuneEcu tune for this setup. Have used TuneEcu before with basic stock download so am familiar. Any link to the latest and best would be appreciated. Thank you.
  15. Lickety Split

    Question about Ramair noise

    Everyone experience ramair noise? What is that sound I hear. Sounds like a farm diesel tractor when I give it some throttle. Then maybe, I did not put this thing on the right way . Could be a rattling vibration noise. Just not sure what if anything I should be hearing in that area.
  16. BillyIndiana

    RAMAir Installed........YES YES YES

    Like many on the site I purchased the Ramair during the Black Friday sale. I put Paul's Crossover on the other day and everyone said,"DO THE RAMAIR." Here is my latest creation.
  17. ratsidecar

    TuneECU tune for ramair and 3 into 1 full exhaust system

    Hi would anyone have a TuneECU tune for a 2006 rocket with ramair filter and a 3 into 1 full exhaust system incluing header. Its a bit of an experiment pieced together from different parts but hopefully a tune will get me in the ballpark.
  18. Fenners

    Uknown Map type 20093

    Hello everyone, Just bought a RamAir kit which I will fit once it arrives. I have a Campbell 1 in to 6 exhaust system fitted to the stock header (3 cans either side with a cat delete). Ok here is my current situation. I bought the Lonelec cable and thought play safe and save the current map...
  19. Rocketprop

    Hello From Tathra nsw

    I Bought a neat 2008 rocket 3 classic last month to work and bang around on while I save for a roadster and I love it most enjoyable bike I've ridden.
  20. John Ward

    Ramair or Standard....?

    Hi guys n gals.... right have been doing a bit of reading on this ere forum as my classic needs an air filter. At the mo it is still in standard form.. I'm not chasing horses nor do I ride hard and fast, so was wondering if it is worth upgrading to ramair or not.... or just put a standard filter...