1. Idaho Red Rocket 3

    Roadster TORs and RamAir Tune ??

    Currently on a 2012 Roadster with stock intake and 2 pipe TORs. I installed Revised tune: R3R_slip (2) 30352 for 3 K&N RU-2780 and TORs, D&D, Staintune, etc. Runs well but has a little decal pop. Got a pretty good increase at the quarter mile drag strip from 12.3 to 11.7. Looking to do a...
  2. patrol21

    2009 Stock R3, Full Jardine exhaust and New RAMAIR intake tune needed

    Hi All, Hans0 seems to be having some computer issues so I was wondering if anyone has the matching set up listed in the title and a ECU tune that your running with success...I have a couple on my laptop (listed below) I am going to try but any feedback or a MAP that has been dialed in would be...
  3. patrol21


    Hello....just ordered a RAM AIR until from UK. In the mail already. Have seen a thread on this already. install looks like a snap. I am currently running Jardine full exhaust so I have to assume this is going to let the bike breath a hell of a lot better. Couple of questions 1) I did not set...
  4. Super D.

    Wayne Northam - RamAir YouTube.

    Hello Wayne, I am going to assume that you are a member of this forum. I wanted to give my thanks for you putting up that great instructional video on YouTube about installing the RamAir. It listed everything out in order as it should be, and I wanted to give credit where credit is due ...

    Rocket Ramair Fitting...

    This was interesting and maybe helpful to some....
  6. Wannbe

    Christmas, Ramair, Secondaries, Remove or not?

    My lovely wife ordered my 2014 Roadster a new ramair for Christmas and I have been trying the search function for a couple days. I could not find a consensus answer on whether to remove secondary butterflies or not. My only mods are an opened up exhaust canister done by myself and the tune from...
  7. albertaduke

    ramair secured

    I am probably not the first to have thought of this but here is a picture of how I secure the ramair to the throttle bodies this is the new version it does fit ok but a bit of insurance won't hurt anybody need a plenum before i turf it in the dump?
  8. jake shaw

    Ramair Tune

    Hi, I am presently using the Power Tripp deristricting tune in my touring and am ordering a Ramair filter. I have the TOR's fitted and am happy with performance, sound & mileage. Are people changing the tune for the filter and if so which tune are you using.
  9. Jascen

    Ramair install

    Installed the ram air intake kit, but the back edge of the intake rubs on the bear claw.I checked to be sure it was seated all the way down on the throttle bodies.I'm thinking that it will eventually wear a hole through the foam, thinking about modifying the bear claw. Has anyone else had this...
  10. BillB

    Ramair install, possible tech tip

    While installing the filter on the bike last weekend, I noticed something that could possibly be a contributing factor to the tearing of the spigots that some have reported where they clamp onto the throttle bodies. While fitting the filter to the throttle bodies the clamps have a tendency to...
  11. Rocket X # 212 4" Vance & Hines, Lowered,RamAir,Doebeck EJK 3

    Finally got the Pipe Ceramic coated, got the shocks on, Installed the RamAir and a Doebeck EJK3 Tuner. [/URL][/URL]
  12. 1olbull


    Wondering how the "new & improved" Ramair is working out for those that have it? Has the shaky mounting improved as well as the rubber quality?
  13. Lifelong Biker

    Chirping Crickets after Ramair, Hate them CRICKETS!

    I know this subject has been touched before, but just putting it out there. After the TORs and Ramair set up, I downloaded with TuneECU one of HansO's Tunes. ( Big shout out to HansO It was awesome of him to send me the tune, no charge and he did it right away! Thanks again HansO ) I...
  14. asteriskmonkey

    what is right tune for r3 touring with ramair, cat delete and 4" exhaust?

    I have a 2011 R3 Touring, have the cat delete 4" pipe fitting up shortly and the ramair (not pods) I read somewhere on here that with the ram air some of the default tunes run too lean ? What is the right tune for this scenario? also i see touring vs normal rocket list.. can tunes from the...
  15. RamAir Kit In The US?

    I'm looking for a RamAir kit for my 2015 Rocket X. Are there any dealers in the states?
  16. Leogoff

    2014 R3 Tune, TORS and Ramair

    Any suggestions for a tune suitable for a 2014 R3 Roadster, VIN from 574813, fitted with Ramair and TORS? Thanks!
  17. Lifelong Biker

    Another question for the Gear heads ! :) RE: Ramair!I Was hoping someone could help me with this on

    I was hoping someone could help me with this one question. I recently installed the RAMAIR filter set up. 2011 Roadster, have TORs pipes and was mapped for TORs by local dealer. Now that I installed the Ramair, I "of course " get that awesome air induction sound. But I also get a rattle type...
  18. Jted3

    New Ramair

    I am in the middle of doing the update to my '05. I have a new Ramair which will go on when I get her back together. I am running D&D 3-2 pipes. Could anyone suggest a tune for this setup?
  19. mr2dogz

    new ramair kit

    Hi all.I fitted the new and improved ramair kit to my rocket 2 weeks ago and have found it has cracked around one of the jubilee clips.I have email ramair and i'm waiting for there email back.Has anyone else had the same problem with the new improved kit.
  20. cr0ft

    Ramair and crankcase breather

    Why does the crankcase breather tube have to be replaced with the extra little filter anyway? I'm just wondering if it's at all necessary, not enthusiastic about adding the tiny filter and having it potentially break or something down the line. The breather tube has a flange on it, and the...