1. ricochet

    Very cool USB Power Ports just installed

    Hey Guys, So I've had this previous Dual USB power port installed on my rocket and it worked for 3 years great until one day I rode to work and didn't realize that it was going to rain... left the ports open and the rain got into the unit and killed it solid. So I went shopping for a...
  2. hvacnr

    Power Commander 3 to keep or not to keep

    I'm having isle issue with my 05 standard. It was either 2000 or stalled. I tested the stepper motor it was functioning, set the idle stop to no less than 500 rpm (barely running), tested the tps(according to the service manual), it had the correct out voltage. Took the bike for a long ride. Low...
  3. IMDave

    2011 Touring won't power up to start (resolved)

    So, tried to start my bike up this morning to go to work. the Bike has been acting weird and It was in the dealer yesterday, and they said it was fine and no error codes. Hoping that you guys can help figure it out. Note: it's none of the stupid stuff we've all done before (kill switch, in...
  4. Sportsman

    Power Commander 5 = Big smile

    Installed RAM AIR & Power Commander 5 with Raask exhaust the 2008 Classic. I must say that the lean running machine is now pering like a kitten and performing like a scolded cat. Mick Gooley from City Bikeworx has mapped it to perfection.
  5. Adam79

    Power commander tune's

    @HansO Hi Buddy, was hoping you might be able to help me out by sending me the autotune and pcv5 tunes as I have found the ones from the dynojet site are crappy.....
  6. Victor Chiappetta

    Trouble Loading Powertripp Tune

    Hi all.So I am pretty sure that I know the answer to what is going on here but I guess that it can't hurt to ask. I hooked up to my 2013 Rocket 3 Touring (Bone stock) today during my lunch break and started the process of saving the stock tune,loading the Powertripp de-restricted tune and doing...
  7. R3inCC

    Surprised a sport bike rider

    So I've owned my '05 now for one year, I have enjoyed the power on the back roads alone although I have never really toyed with any other riders until yesterday. I was riding to work minding my own business cruising at about 80 mph when I see a sport bike coming up behind me in my mirror. He...
  8. fatboyslim

    Power commander v auto tune o2 sensor

    Can anyone who has actually installed the power commander v auto tune tell me if the o2 sensor will screw right in or does the bung have to be changed to a different size?
  9. Charles Whipkey

    Eklipse power outlet

    I recently bought a Eklipse power outlet for my R3R. It has both the USB and cigarette lighter type plug on it. I have it mounted on my left upper handlebar area but the cord seems a bit short. I has the battery tender type plug. What's the best way to route this back to the battery area...
  10. Busaboy

    Engine Powercoat Blisters

    My engine has "blisters" in the powder coat on the right side of the engine. Some are quite large. When I remove a blister, instead of oxidized aluminum as one would expect I find what looks like a second layer of powder coat or some type of primer. I don't mind that I did not find oxidation but...
  11. big ned

    no power to clocks

    hi folks having a bit of a nightmare,i,ve got a 2011 roadster. i can get no power to clocks or starter, have looked at severly of the posts on here and can,t find the solution HELP please headlights come on, horn works indicators work, alarm seems to be working (thats the only light on the...
  12. Blackthou

    Auxiliary Power Socket

    I've read the threads re installing the above and spent a long time looking for the 2 taped wires mentioned. I found 4 - 2 pairs but neither pair are long enough to reachthe intermediate panel where the socket mounts. I know i could extend them but it's not been mentioned in other posts? Does...
  13. barbagris

    Power Commander Android APP

    Guys - if you were not aware there is now an "app" for PCV users that runs on Android - available via GooglePlay etc. Official DynoJet app. idk I think is already testing. I'm looking for a more modern Android to test on. Needs an OTG adapter.
  14. captain jack

    Power Problem

    I've just fitted a new battery which seems in good condition. The bike has just been returned from France where it suffered a broken Detent spring but last I saw of it was being ridden when the pick up truck collected it. After 3 weeks I know the battery was flat as my tracker told me so. On...
  15. Michel

    Powercommander or boosterplug

    Hello everybody! I'm thinking of installing a powercommander on my rocket 2004. It's really the o ly thing that I want to change on my beloved bike. But surfing the web brought me on a other solution for less then the half of the money of a powercommander. It's called boosterplug. If you look...
  16. Rocket3Pilot

    Power Commander's vs Tune ECU's

    I just bought a 2013 Roadster with 3,500 miles. Just love the bike and trying to learn all the details. I'm very mechanically skilled but not that computer savy and havn't got a clue about "flashing, mapping, editing tunes". None of this existed when I had my last bike over 30 years ago. Back...
  17. barbagris


    Ok - This is a genuine question. If not then I'll have to try and find a way to measure it. Has anybody measured how many Amps or watts their 3 coils are drawing from the electrical circuit? It might seem a redundant question - but you don't get the sparks for free. There used to be an...

    For Sale Power commanda 3

    I have sold my 2008 rocket, here is a power commander 3 I have for sale $150 plus shipping
  19. flyreels

    Want to Buy Power commander PCV

    Hi I am looking for a PCV must be in very good condition and maybe an auto tune if it's near new. Cheers Pete
  20. Mittzy

    Aussie made V8 bike big horsepower

    Check out this Aussie made 2 litre V8 Bike. 334 hp and only 242kgs wet! http://pgmv8.com.au/