1. HeR3tic

    TuneBoy versus PowerCommander III

    I will be installing a Cat By-pass (OEM silencer upgrade) with stock mufflers. I'm confused as to what is better: TuneBoy versus Power Commander III. I've seen a side by side comparison, provided by a TuneBoy reseller. That alone should steer me that direction; but, I'm not convinced. At...
  2. JD Power survey

    I got a survey from JD Power in the mail the other day. I was surprised to see that it was for the Rocket III. For those not familar JD Power is an independant marketing firm that survey owners of autos and apparently motorcycles. They asked some pretty detailed questions from mechanical...
  3. SteveRed

    Power Up!!

    I found this company in the States that sells power socket kits for all types of bikes including dual plug kits and a kit specifically for our beloved R3... Only $15.95 a bargain!!http://www.powerlet.net/products/rocket_3.php :)
  4. Power Lunch II at Kehde's BBQ

    Meeting called to order 12:45PM today @ Kehde's BBQ in beautiful Sedalia Missouri. Temperature was 96f+, dry with moderate SW winds. Attendees: Pianoman, Tomo, Hondax, and special celebrity impersonator(impersonates anything gay) Patrick on his iconic HD,......nice ride! Hondax was in charge...
  5. 12 Volt Power Socket Install

    I decided to install a regular 12v power socket in place of where the Triumph "Aux Power Outlet" goes. I found an all weather power outlet at my local auto parts store. I chose this one because it was totally enclosed and had two heavy gauge wires coming out of the back for easy installation. It...
  6. grumpy

    tune boy vs power commander best??????

    :Di just bought a power commander but havent hooked it up as the bike is in shop with trans trouble.i just found this site and have never heard of tune boy.i have a pc in mt v rod and it pumps out 120 rwhp on the dyno.is the tune boy really that mush better:eek:
  7. Aux Power Socket Question

    What kind of things can you plug into this? It doesn't look big enough for your standard car plug in accessories.