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  1. squeeky crickets?

    hi,l Have had the same noise since removing all the intake crap and going to K&Ns (or unifilters)....when I had the unis on, I asked Wayne about the noise, he said it was the beast trying to get enough air and just accept it as the cool noise of shear power....I would miss it now. Jim
  2. Check your Gear selector linkage

    This must be an epidemic.....Sunday giving her the once over before riding for the first time in 4 months, I noticed EXACTLY the same looseness (?). I removed the whole assembly cleaned it and reassembled using red Loctite, really silly of the factory to not do the same. jck
  3. Is anybody using this oil filter?

    hi, The tense is correct, maybe I should had said 'I have had it....', just know that the filter works very well and takes about a minute with solvent and air hose to clean. It looks better than the stock chrome cover, does the job extremely well and I don't have to worry about having an oil...
  4. Is anybody using this oil filter?

    hi, yup....had it four 4000 miles... works great znd looks better jck
  5. Cardinal Red - paint matching

    Hi, Sorry to hear you joined I dropped the **** thing the club. I had exactly the same problem and really had a heck of a time matching the paint. Triumph does not ship the stuff in anything but nail polish bottles to the US. I finally got the perfect match at (look at...
  6. A story about being a dope

    The dropped Rocket story is this.... My first mistake was following a HARLEY, always a bad idea and so unnecessary. We're fairly well lost in a little town called PERU, ILLINOIS. Remember I was following a Harley. We decide dinner at a real neat place called Starved Rock Lodge is...
  7. A story about being a dope

    It all starts last Tuesday. A mostly uneventful 240 mile jaunt in the country west and south of Chicago. I managed to drop the ROKT, but that is a whole other story. The Thursday, I decide to ride to work and all goes well. Lights light and signals signal, she runs like a scared hare...
  8. Wiring

    hi guys, I have a Comm system, Battery Tender charger, InterMatrix alarm, IPOD power, Power jack for GPS, PIAA driving light, Kuryakyn voltmeter, and dual air horns. All of them need switched 12 volts. My solution was an auxiliary fuse panel with 6 circuits (30 amp max) and a separate 10...
  9. Triumph Electronics

    Hi, The Rocket's electronics are state of the art. Nothing backwards about them. 12 volt, Negative ground just like your car and your bike. I've been all over mine from lights to horns to PCIII and Tuneboy. They're just plain solid (knock on wood). Check out this forum and you'll notice...