squeeky crickets?


Feb 23, 2006
Lincolnton GA
2005 RIII
I tried to search,
bike runs great, but I get a squeeky crickety sound from the Throttle body area, mostly when I'm not giving it too much throttle, low speeds etc.

almost a loose washer rattlely but more of a squeek then a metal sound..

pretty sure this is just the parts doing there thing but just curious
...and here I thought this post was going to be about that stupid game they play over there. :roll: What a relief. :twisted: :twisted: 8)
nobody else has this? or is everyone nodding at home sayign I get that too since I removed all my intake stuff?

not really worried too bad just hate for it to be somethign I should have lubed or cleaned up.

liek I was saying, low/part throttle when I am not treally loading the engine up.

almost reminds me of the valve tinkle my Sprint would do only more squeek then tinkle. ( man I hate trying to describe sounds)
imagine going in and saying ...(lisp: my bike tinkles and squeeks...)

Have had the same noise since removing all the intake crap and going to K&Ns (or unifilters)....when I had the unis on, I asked Wayne about the noise, he said it was the beast trying to get enough air and just accept it as the cool noise of shear power....I would miss it now.

well I figured it was an acceptable noise and the price of getting it done.

really had not been noticing it until my wife started ridding with me again and I've been taking it easy on the throttle.