The tense is correct, maybe I should had said 'I have had it....', just know that the filter works very well and takes about a minute with solvent and air hose to clean. It looks better than the stock chrome cover, does the job extremely well and I don't have to worry about having an oil filter if I decide to change oil on a weekend. I am lucky and get the oil and other bits (as the Brits would say) really cheap so I do that a fair amount (about every 1500 miles, yes, I do know that is extreme overkill, but so's a ROCKET).
The filter also has a magnet in it for picking up the smaller chunks.
The K&N will NOT allow use of the chrome cover, but it's the size not the nut.
I still have the big red lady and she's pissed. I put her away for the Chicago winter on Saturday. She looks so forlorn on a stand and under a cover. Winter is time to get out of Chicago or just hunker down in the shop and play with things mechanical.