Triumph Electronics


.020 Over
May 3, 2006
Middletown, CT
I will be the first to admit that I am no mechanic. I can change oil and brake pads if I have to, but I do not enjoy turning a wrench.

That being said, I have a question for those of you that have a clue, as I do not.

I was at a wedding this weekend in CT and I was telling my cousin from WV about my wish to purchase a Rocket III to replace my BMW K1200LT. Now my cousin recently went to that motorcyle mechanics course in FL for 6 months and is in the process of getting his own repair shop going. So.... supposedly he knows a little. His response to me was "You do not want to buy a Triumph, their electronics are all put in backwards. It will be a very expensive bike to maintain."

Not having a clue, and not hearing any issues with electronics, I was hoping someone with a clue could verify or refute his claim.

By the way he rides a 1200 Sportster and tends to lean towards the Hardly line of products. Not a direction I plan on going myself. I prefer to riding to polishing...

Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
He probably needs to study a little more. He was probably talking about the English bikes of long time past. They used to back in the 60's have a 6volt Positive ground system.

New triumphs are wired with 12Volt negative ground. The same as his Hardley. (but better)

They are no more to maintain than your bmw. Probably less.

The Rocket's electronics are state of the art. Nothing backwards about them. 12 volt, Negative ground just like your car and your bike. I've been all over mine from lights to horns to PCIII and Tuneboy. They're just plain solid (knock on wood).

Check out this forum and you'll notice that for the most part we discuss improvements that are mostly personal or power related. More power seems to be an insatiable desire.

There are few and far between fixes for actual problems (idle, rear end recall and a few more), but very few *****es. Try reading the Hardley'll see the difference.

Tell your cousin to do his own investigating and not to count of modern Triumphs to support his repair business. That would be a bad business plan.

Thanks for your responses. That is about what I expected. He is my cousin, and I love him, but sometimes ........... :twisted:
My cousin's specialty is actually managing businesses, he has a "real " mechanic that will handle most repairs. He will be the helper.
You might like to look at which shows in Europe anyway that Triumph was the bike above all others with which most second hand users were satisfied ... seems not to bear out any contention that they are poor on electronics ...

They are also showing a 58% rise in sales in US (April report) which also argues customer satisfaction ... bet HD wishes they could say the same