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  1. steve59

    New 2.5L owner, things I hate about the motorcycle.

    I've used the foam grips that slide over stock and heat transfer is fine.
  2. steve59

    New 2.5L owner, things I hate about the motorcycle.

    I miss my 06 R3. I appreciate the versatility of the old standard for touring and 2 up riding. This new model looks to be more specific in purpose dropping the touring and 2 up comfort in favor of style. A sweet bike for sure, but the 2500 looks like anything but an upgrade to the original.
  3. steve59

    Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

    lots of info on this forum about the dreaded 2300cc tranny. I traded mine in with just over 20k because shifting into first sounded like a hammer hitting an anvil.
  4. steve59

    183.48mph, and it's getting faster...

    I love these threads, even if I'm just a fan anymore.
  5. steve59

    Rivco risers for 2015 roadster, where to buy them in US?

    I wonder if there's any risers out there compatible with the 2300?
  6. steve59

    New to this forum. Pre-Purchase question?

    remember the old cars with the gas tank behind the license plate? My first ride on my newly rebuilt bonnie, 67-69 era my eyes got stuck on a young ladies quarter moons hanging out of her shorts... wrecked the forks with 6 miles on the rebuild!!! Nope she didn't even notice me.
  7. steve59

    215hp street build

    It's great having your cake and eating it too. congrats!
  8. steve59

    New Guy

    My 06 had the black engine.
  9. steve59

    New Guy

    I think they went to black in 2004/5 either it's pre 05 or has a replacement engine
  10. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    well, the 3 bikes I used as an example are bone stock. Proper tires and using the methods guys on this thread are recommending might be enough for you with the map you flashed
  11. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    What you're doing is impressive in its own right! consider these journalists are all skilled riders on bikes much lighter than the R3 with a power to weight much better and these guys can't crack 10.
  12. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    Cycle World Measured Horsepower: 154.5 hp @ 11,500 rpm 185.1 hp @ 13,400 rpm 172.8 hp @ 13,500 rpm Cycle World Measured Wet Weight: 470 lb. 437 lb. 451 lb.
  13. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    CW Measured Performance 2023 Aprilia Tuono V4 Factory 2023 BMW M 1000 R 2023 Ducati Streetfighter V4 SP2 Quarter-Mile: 10.57 sec. @ 141.17 mph 10.33 sec. @ 145.39 mph 10.38 sec. @ 145.11 mph 0–30: 1.48 sec. 1.57 sec. 1.56 sec. 0–60: 2.99 sec. 3.01 sec. 3.08 sec. 0–100: 5.79 sec. 5.52...
  14. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    Triumph Rocket III Breaks the Eight-Second Barrier The Carpenter Racing Triumph Rocket III “Silverback” has lived up to its billing, breaking the eight-second barrier in the quarter mile – the first ever for a normally-aspirated street cruiser. Rider Marcelo "Alex" Galligani rode the bike to an...
  15. steve59

    Trans went

    Have a blast. The 318 in 11 miles is a parking lot when the cameras are out on the weekend so if you want to test your skill on that road it's better to go before and/or after the tents are packed up and put away.
  16. steve59

    Trans went

    Spent the early 80's framing in Houston and Tampa/St pete and if SC is anything like that, yikes.
  17. steve59

    Trans went

    The patience you guys have!!! It's no wonder i'm a carpenter and my problems are resolved by getting a bigger hammer. My wife thinks we want move to SC from the chicago suburbs, but it sounds like the weather can be a bit of a challenge?
  18. steve59

    Fastest quarter mile 2.5L rocket

    I read through and your first posted run with a 127 mph top speed is surprisingly low for that low time. I look down the chart of naked/sport bikes {from memory right now) and top speeds for 10 sec bikes are in the mid 130's and even higher. The R3 just doesn't accelerate on the top end like...
  19. steve59

    Carpenter Bikes

    What had me concerned was the gearbox. with my bone stock 06 the tranny sounded like a hammer hitting an anvil going into second gear and the thought of adding more power...well the tranny was a big reason I traded it back to the shop I bought it.
  20. steve59

    For Sale Save me from myself
