stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
The stepper is loose and still not hitting 0.700. I left it alone but I may tighten it back up to see if there is a change even if its less than 0.700. And when the storms quit, i plan on putting 12v directly to the fan. If it works, then I will remove the PC and see if it fixes anything. If no changes, I will hard wire in the fan so I can ride.
I hit up the local part store to find a relay that I could use to replace the the one that is dead and the other two that will need to be replaced. I will break off the center plug and cover it and use it as a standard relay to see what happens.
Where to start?
1st there is not any need to cut that terminal it will fit just fine.
2nd i think that you might be getting it wrong when trying to adjust the tps
3rd dont do a lot of guessing it is a good way of causing more problems. If the fan does not come on then use the tuneecu to troubleshoot the fan.
Do you have a tuneecu?