New to this forum. Pre-Purchase question?

some can fill tanks and some can't
coarse there was that time that the wind hit the miniskirt
I wish I could appreciate the wind in the mini skirt but I saw the same thing only in San Francisco. What I saw under the skirt no man should see. 10 therapy sessions later and I'm not afraid to go outside anymore.😱🙀
I have been riding the 2022 GT for over the year now. From scorching heat to sub zero temperatures. Heard of remote/fob issues but mine so far works well.
The only issue was that the bike didn't want to start in -20C despite charged battery. Surprisingly problem resolved itself after moving from Canada to the UK ;-)
remember the old cars with the gas tank behind the license plate? My first ride on my newly rebuilt bonnie, 67-69 era my eyes got stuck on a young ladies quarter moons hanging out of her shorts... wrecked the forks with 6 miles on the rebuild!!! Nope she didn't even notice me.