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  1. Tripps

    New Member - '23 Rocket 3 R w/ TTS stage 3 supercharger

    Welcome to the forum
  2. Tripps

    Starter Relay Location Question?

    Thanks, Herman
  3. Tripps

    Starter Relay Location Question?

    So has anyone figured this out for sure, is this the starter relay on the right side?
  4. Tripps

    For Sale 1993 BMW K1100RS (Flying brick) for sale or trade

    Great deal, if I didn't already have so many BMWs I'd snatch it up.
  5. Tripps

    1/8mi drag race Touring vs the GT

    Wow, pretty close numbers, the judges have ruled it a tie.
  6. Tripps

    1/8mi drag race Touring vs the GT

    So which ticket is which? Who was faster? Don't make me come down there!
  7. Tripps

    Nice phone mount on Amazon

    No pics with the phone in it?
  8. Tripps

    Hello, need a little advice.

    Lonlech cable, if I remember the spelling correctly
  9. Tripps

    Hello from Ontario Canada

    There's never been much in the way of aftermarket parts for the Rocket, especially the Touring, and now that it's discontinued, I doubt there's anyone making anything at all. Watch the classifieds here, stuff like handlebar risers comes up occasionally. Welcome to the forum.
  10. Tripps

    Drag Bike Build

  11. Tripps

    New Owner questions…

    I never heard of anyone replacing throttle body seals, and I've been a member 14 years. But anything is possible
  12. Tripps

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    Tent camping, rode from the Canadian border to Key West
  13. Tripps

    Drag Bike Build

    Is that shortening the rake? Aren't you worried about it getting twitchy?
  14. Tripps

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    I never got a toll bill, lol, didn't realize I had covered the license plate
  15. Tripps

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    I know now
  16. Tripps

    Saddlebag Guard Rails

    I think those are Unobtainium, I've seen posts looking for them, but I don't know of anyone who found them
  17. Tripps

    Issues changing to 2nd gear

    That would be the first thing I'd look at, also the cheapest
  18. Tripps

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    Ah, haven't seen the first page in a while. It looks like it's missing Steve's crew.
  19. Tripps

    Jumping out of 4th gear - Gearbox rebuild

    Rounded dogs is my guess
  20. Tripps

    Side stand foot extension

    We hit 60-70 mph winds sometimes at the eastern end of Lake Erie, it's got a long stretch to build up