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  1. slick rick

    For Sale 05 Tribal Great shape - $8,500

    Think it would balloon the price out too much. Cheaper to just paint one of mine orange n chuck some tribal stickers on it
  2. slick rick

    For Sale 05 Tribal Great shape - $8,500

    I would buy your bike @ your price in a heartbeat were it here in Australia. Orange was not avail here , i know , coz i wanted ,tried to order one. Your bike , IMOPO ,is the epitome of all tribals and the low mls ? Insane.
  3. slick rick

    Slick Rick

    Hey guys
  4. slick rick

    Slick Rick

    Hi guys , been awhile. Im just passin thru n thort id send out a shout. Im really busy these days..dont seem to have much keyboard time, im still in Oz..kickin with a few of the crew. Still got my Rockets, Hope my old mates are healthy n well. All the best...
  5. slick rick

    Removed the Secondarys today and....

    [QOTE="EasTexRIII, post: 421623, member: 5939"]I had my secondaries removed & I can't make babies anymore :eek: :oops: :whitstling: :inlove so we heard.....your cousins left town ? lol
  6. slick rick

    Blew a coolant line

    haha my mates bikes got splattered but it doesnt matter....theyre only hardleys lol
  7. slick rick

    Blew a coolant line

    The exact moment mine blew. Replaced it and blew that one too. Still unsure why, but the latest one is all good. Should have got the 'Silicon ' ? ones fitted when i put the engine together after the serious mods were done
  8. slick rick

    Blew a coolant line

  9. slick rick

    Installed Dain exhaust - wow!

    i must be missing something here...standard header set up ,restrictive, to say the least, 'since it's so powerful' ???? serious bump in Hp ???? loss of weight from standard, yip, i get that... wow wow wow...WTF ????, not raining on your parade but seriously ??? what was your last ride ? a...
  10. slick rick

    Shirts wanted

    I have seen your daughter on TV somewhere , Mittzi.........dressed in black too.....All Black womens Team ..?????? lol
  11. slick rick

    Hello from Wisconsin!

    Ikon make shocks that lower the ass....custom make a seat..forward controls would help. Im sure you could lower the front a little with different springs. some of this is what i did to lower mine,
  12. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    Anyone that doubts Bob Carpenters engines should take note. Exposed to Extreme abuse and still took it ..No better example of Bobs passion for quality work. Thanks Bob, Art....Warp, Pedro and anyone else thats helped along the way....I love my Rockets
  13. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    They are sweet...she was running a bit lean at the time tho. Sorted. It was a cold nite n did'nt have a heater lol
  14. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    Needed to know, Art. Now i know.Only way to sort the Men from the boys.Anyone that knows me knows, i ride hard n play even harder. I don't need to tell you what 8000 plus RPM in 3rd and 4th feels like
  15. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    thank you Mitsi.
  16. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    not sure if its up here but can some one cut n paste ' the angry beast r3' from you tube for me pls. thanks
  17. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    This will probably make you run to the CES pipe but check out my other vid, on you tube, 'the angry beast R3 '. I would put it up here but dont know how. The engine has been seriously modded but remains naturally aspirated.
  18. slick rick

    For Sale 05 rocket short block

    i would grab it in a heart beat if it were here in australia.. shipping costs kill it for me tho....bugger
  19. slick rick

    CES Pipe VS Carpenter For Sound

    The bike in the Carp video, is mine. The garage door is closed but the shed is very big. Don"t expect a stock bike to sound like this bike, as it is cammed/hi comp ect. I can make it reasonably quiet by putting the baffle/end cone back on. When i ride with no baffle, my Hardley riding mates,[...
  20. slick rick

    Anybody Put A T-Bird Or Bonny Shifter On A Roadster With Pegs?

    Hey, Warp...been awhile mate. Im back in NZ till january. I will PM you n let u know wot ive been up too.