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  1. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    No, the problem is actually in the outer steel plate… The anti-judder spring (is more like a steel ring in the set) destroyed the outer steel plate.
  2. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    Plates kit partnumber: T1171015
  3. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    Plates were all within specs. Bought the bike with 39000 kms, the judder was there since I owned it, but gotten worse gradually. Changed it with 48000 KMS
  4. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    Ok, so the end of the riding season is here. And the judder did not really go away. Some quick fixes helped a little bit. But never really gone. Always there on a cold engine start… So I chose to bite the bullet and install new clutchplates… Taking out the old plates I noticed the anti judder...
  5. TheFALCON

    What tools do you carry?

    im looking to buy the same set! does it fit under the seat??
  6. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    I think i comfirmed my idea of the sticky clutch plates. Last time (couple days ago) directly after the ride I put away the bike with the clutch lever pulled back and put a velcro strap around it to keep it there. This takes the compression off the clutch plates while the bike is standing still...
  7. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    Its also an automatic oil change… So i still think oil quality / brand / additives has a lot to do with this judder. Good for you, that it is resolved.
  8. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    I did the master cylinder bleed, no air bubbles, just dirty fluid… Tomorrow I will try the cold start and ride again. With me it is always the first clutch release… The rest of the day i never have problems.
  9. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    so what was your fix? or are you waiting for a patent pending? ;-)
  10. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    So they opened it up, and found nothing wrong? Or did not replace because of no warrenty issues? I dont understand…
  11. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    I topped of the oil (needed about a liter) the shaking is getting less every start since. But I did manage to capture the sound and shake on film… it also hapens when taking off in second gear. But less. Clutch release, cold start
  12. TheFALCON

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    I have the same noise as in de video when driving off after cold start. It has been there since i bought the bike last year with 39000 km on the odometer So very interrested i the outcome of the dealer. I'm not worried much because it goes away as soon as the engine warms up. But still...
  13. TheFALCON


    Posting from the Netherlands i am the proud new owner of this 2021 Rocket 3 R Black edition. I cant tell you guys enough how much i love this bike. Owned it for 2 weeks now and have not missed 1 day riding the beast. Im 1,98m (almost 6ft,6) tall and was afraid the fit would be sub optimal. Man...