Question about Noise while releasing clutch

I picked up my bike from the dealer yesterday and the clutch judder seems to have been resolved but I'll know for sure at the end of next week. They removed the clutch basket as a whole, inspected it, found nothing wrong, re-installed it and the issue seems to be gone. They believe that it may have been caused by an alignment issue during factory install and that the Outer Friction Plate Slot (#2 first diagram) may have been the cause due to improper alignment within the slot. I experienced no noise/judder yesterday or this morning.
Its also an automatic oil change… So i still think oil quality / brand / additives has a lot to do with this judder.
Good for you, that it is resolved.
Its also an automatic oil change… So i still think oil quality / brand / additives has a lot to do with this judder.
Good for you, that it is resolved.
I am going on a little overnight trip next weekend and if the judder is still gone and the bike won't have to go back into the shop again then it will definitely be oil change time even though I only have 1650 miles on it now. As far as oil brand etc goes, I went down that rabbit hole many moons ago and came back out with the realization that it just doesn't matter as long as it's a major reputable brand and the same type and weight so I'm using what my dealer uses which is this.
yesterday happened all day, right from cold start to hot run start stop etc. Ambient riding temperature was 24C 75Fall day,

really really weird, there is no pattern to this problem.
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yesterday happened all day, right from cold start to hot run start stop etc. Ambient riding temperature was 24C 75Fall day,

really really weird, there is no pattern to this problem.
Since mine is gone after the dealer removed and re-installed the clutch I do believe that the issue is caused by either not aligning things properly or not torguing things down properly at the factory as the 2 documents I attached seem to allude to. They did not bleed the clutch and the problem is gone, at least for now. It might be worth a few hundred bucks to take it in and have them look at it.
I think i comfirmed my idea of the sticky clutch plates.
Last time (couple days ago) directly after the ride I put away the bike with the clutch lever pulled back and put a velcro strap around it to keep it there. This takes the compression off the clutch plates while the bike is standing still. Today i drove away with almost zero judder at all!

So my mind is at ease now.
Worth a try for everybody I guess to confirm the idea.
Since mine is gone after the dealer removed and re-installed the clutch I do believe that the issue is caused by either not aligning things properly or not torguing things down properly at the factory as the 2 documents I attached seem to allude to. They did not bleed the clutch and the problem is gone, at least for now. It might be worth a few hundred bucks to take it in and have them look at it.
I would think that if they re-installed the clutch that they would have changed the fluid and, by procedure, bled the MC.

I reported at the beginning of this thread that my bike also displayed this behavior, but it has not done so in a long while. I've bled the MC twice since then and not sure what else to attribute the change to. It's a very easy and quick procedure - this is not bleeding the entire clutch fluid, you're just "burping" the MC. I still think it's worth a try.....
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I would think that if they re-installed the clutch that they would have changed the fluid and, by procedure, bled the MC.
I did think about that at the time but decided to not press the issue since changing more than one thing at a time would not tell me what the issue was. Now I know that the clutch fluid or oil had nothing to do with it.
I did think about that at the time but decided to not press the issue since changing more than one thing at a time would not tell me what the issue was. Now I know that the clutch fluid or oil had nothing to do with it.
They said they did not change the fluid? That would be surprising.