"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
*The sealing screw (#1 in first diagram) is removed along with the fixing to separate the bowl from the master cylinder (but don't do that for this procedure- just explaining what they're both for). They are both submerged under brake/clutch fluid when full. It turns out that the "sealing screw" is really a bleeder for the master cylinder.
MC Bleed Instructions -
1) Suck out some (not all!) nasty old brake fluid. You don't want to introduce air into the system!
Overfill with fresh DOT 4 so that the bleeder screw is submerged in fluid.
2) Slowly work the lever while loosening that one screw. Air will come out and fluid will travel in. Close before releasing lever. Repeat that until you have no air bubbles. I also used a rubber mallet to bang on the banjo bolts and tapped on the lines to help move any trapped air along.
- The bleed screw for the master cylinder is a 6mm.
When finished remove excess fluid to bring it to the proper fill level.
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