What tools do you carry?

Why carry this - what can it repair


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I've got a bar bag with the spanners, Allen keys and sockets that fit to all the bits that shake lose (or could shake lose) I also carry an emergency first aid kit and spare biscuit and raison Yorkie bar for those hungry moments....
One of the main reasons i did the ram air intake was to get the air box turned into a storage area for tools. a T wrench with the 8mm,10mm,12mm,14mm sockets and the allen sockets to take off the front and rear tire and brake calipers, crows foot for the rear axle, those little packs of grease you get when you buy parts but use your own grease... YOU ALL HAVE THOSE!, and a few other various tools i cant remember, but basically whatever i need to fix a flat tire or change the battery and bleed the brakes, change light bulbs, spark plugs, and any time i do a job on the bike i think to myself i can do this on the side of the road.. i add those tools in a compact way to the kit. 3 rags, tire patch kit and CO2 inflater, 2 valve stems, 6in1 screwdriver, spark plug socket, 1st aid kit (bandages, K-packs, eye drops, and various things like tweezers and super glue, gloves, 2x $20's, various medications and enough TP to cure a spicy burrito mistake.... ) extra ear plugs, electrical tape, various zipties, half quart of oil, List of contacts in-case my phone craps out and i have to use someone else's phone, spare charger and cable, a small pad i can put under my knee (coaster size), half size road flare, headlamp flashlight, an emergency foil blanket, dust mask, a spare mag for my CCW in 9mm and a pre paid Credit card with $1,500 on it that i can easily freeze with a phone call, a spare set of keys to my garage, Leatherman free t4, a 3x3 foot tarp, 15 foot strap,
believe it or not i can fit all that inside the OEM air box under the seat. but its not easy to do, i have modified the air box to do this.