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  1. Forrest

    off to see the wizard..

    PM me your phone number and I can send it to you.
  2. Forrest

    off to see the wizard..

    Shoot. I checked where I thought I had them and didn't see them. I do, in fact, still have the video bob sent me of him wringing the 265's neck. Now that I think about it, I think there's a thread on this forum from when I had the work done that may have the 240 dyno on it.
  3. Forrest

    off to see the wizard..

    I went nuts when I found out Carpenter existed and just had to do it. The cost between the 210 and the 240 isn't huge because you'll have to have them throw a pipe on there.
  4. Forrest

    off to see the wizard..

    I second the "get the 240" sentiment. I have the 265 and the 240 and they feel about the same depending on elevation. Just terrific across the board.
  5. Forrest

    off to see the wizard..

    You're going to love every part of it. If you have neighbors, they're going to love it even more
  6. Forrest

    Custom Rocket Build Input desired

    10/10 I will cosign this build. It's going to be awesome. I could not be happier with my carpenter bikes. They are just terrific.
  7. Forrest

    So was the Rocket III supposed to have options for cranks?

    I'm still in awe that you have a 6 speed, bored out, supercharged rocket. Outrageous sir. I tip my hat to you
  8. Forrest

    Honda Will Kill All of Its Gas Motorcycles by 2040

    And I won't buy another Honda if that's the case
  9. Forrest

    5k for a nearly new GT!

    Id offer more than that! bollocks. all the way across the pond!
  10. Forrest

    2011 Models...

    My 2011 has the black engine, I had to think for a moment.
  11. Forrest

    Rocket 3R vs Rocket 3 2018

    Also, congratulations on the OBS model of these magnificent bikes. I would have picked the 2018 over the new model if I was you. Nothing against the new models. I think they look terrific. I’m just stuck in my ways and can’t help but modify these things.
  12. Forrest

    Rocket 3R vs Rocket 3 2018

    Use the key for the ignition and look for a key insert on the rear-right side of the seat to remove the seat. One of my favorite features. Regarding the dead battery, I would say you CAN use a car to jump it and it would work, I wouldn’t say that it’s the best way to jump the battery. Using a...
  13. Forrest

    Howdy! New Rocket III owner.

    Welcome from Colorado!
  14. Forrest

    returning rocketeer

    Post a few pictures of your new gal!
  15. Forrest

    Hello from France...Bonjour

    Welcome from Colorado!
  16. Forrest

    2007 Classic Carpenter Dreaded Click

    My carpenter rocket does this anytime I fire it up during the freezing months. When it warms up it's a non issue. It even threw a CEL light this winter when I fired it up. It went away on a warmer day after I rode it around.
  17. Forrest

    215hp street build

    man oh MAN how FUN!!!! Kevin, this is the best news ever. You deserve to wring that bikes neck and for it to be reliable. It's going to run like a raped ape
  18. Forrest

    Rocket owners average age!

    Currently 30. Loving it.
  19. Forrest

    Awaiting delivery

    Welcome from Colorado!
  20. Forrest

    GOT THE NEWS, TAKE DELIVERY OF MY 2014 R3T Jan 27th!!!

    Welcome from Colorado, excellent bike. youre going to love it.