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  1. Junior

    Southern ride this Spring?

    That stinks... would love to be able to see you Lupe. But happy for you you get to do a nice trip with your family! I'm not sure I can go to this one either. Like you, it is conflicting with a family vacation. Maybe we can think about an Arkansas thing at some point this year.
  2. Junior

    Introduction and greetings from Singapore!

  3. Junior

    Southern ride this Spring?

    Wait, I thought flip phones were cool. :D
  4. Junior

    Southern ride this Spring?

    Dang it, Ugh. That is the week I spend with my-in laws at the lake (Okoboji) in Iowa. Maybe I'll be able to get in on part of this ride... hopefully. I've been to 30 of these lake weeks in a row... batting 1000. That should buy a bit good will from my wife if I miss part of the lake week...
  5. Junior

    Considering a 2020 Rocket 3 vs 2015

    :roll::roll:In a perfect world it wouldn't have to be a choice between one bike or the other. We could all just have a barn full of them like Lupe...
  6. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    Yeah Bunny, I can tell you the Touring bars feel weird on a Touring too. You kind of get used to it after a couple years but never really get to liking the feel of it. I'm about ready to pull the trigger on a standard bar from Spalding... thanks to you that I even know Spalding exists...
  7. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    I think T204539 was superseded by T2043580, but they are the same thing. That's what the guy at Hermy's said. And that geometry looks identical to what came stock on my 2011 Touring. So I don't think that's the solution. I think I need to get the standard, and be prepared to solve cable...
  8. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    OK Thanks again for the info Ishrub.
  9. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    I actually just found one off the Just Rockets website, but why does it say "Fits all years except Touring"?
  10. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    Thanks for the info Ishrub. I recently got a T2043580 from Hermy's, and yeah the pullback... It's too much. Too extreme an angle on the wrists. It looks like exactly what's already on my 2011 touring. I'm going to send it back for refund. I want to try something with less pullback to ease...
  11. Junior

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    Ishrub could you help me with some research? I don't want to make another mistake trying to buy one of these handlebars. You have any part numbers that correspond to the Standard of the Classic bars you refer to? Better yet, you don't happen to have one left over from you part hoarding days?
  12. Junior

    Touring TBars?

    All right. Thanks for looking into it Kevin. I don't know what to think, but they aren't any different than what's already on my bike.
  13. Junior

    Touring TBars?

    Hey Kevin, do you the know the Triumph part number for those classic bars you got? I bought a T2043580 thinking that was it, but they are exactly like the bars that are already on my Touring. Going to have to send them back. Back to square one. :confused:
  14. Junior

    Southern ride this Spring?

    I'd be up for getting out to that part of the country again... Would you be riding or trailering Sparky?
  15. Junior

    Merry Christmas !!!

  16. Junior

    Resource Download Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex

    This subject was so confounding for me. I read that whole Derestricting thread and the parts with references to tunes and their names or serial numbers I re-read over and over again. I don't think all the tunes referenced were the same tune. I do think Power-Tripp's tune had several...
  17. Junior

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    No Fireball. Only do that in Arkansas. :D
  18. Junior

    For Sale 2008 Touring Silencers

    Will the fit off the 2008 be the same as off my 2011? Thinking I might like something a little louder, a little more rumble.
  19. Junior

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    Jeez. I feel bad for you guys. At least it happened before you were there and not while you were there. -Maybe head out that way next year...
  20. Junior

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    Me too. But wait...are they saying Fireball isn't high end?