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Resource Download Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex 2024-12-10

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Living Legend
Jun 28, 2012
Triumph Rocket III Touring 2010
cr0ft submitted a new resource:

Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex - The tune by Power-Tripp, listed in the pinned "Derestricting" thread in the R3T forum

To the best of my knowledge this file is as when it was posted in 2013. I stored it with PAR2 parity files (included in the archive) which checksummed the file and included a recovery record calculated from the parity. It is therefore highly unlikely the file is corrupted. PAR2 files can be verified with software like MultiPAR. That said, this is not my tune (even though it's been in my bike for many years and taken me through several long tours etc) and of course anyone loading it and...

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cr0ft submitted a new resource:

Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex - The tune by Power-Tripp, listed in the pinned "Derestricting" thread in the R3T forum

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This subject was so confounding for me. I read that whole Derestricting thread and the parts with references to tunes and their names or serial numbers I re-read over and over again. I don't think all the tunes referenced were the same tune.

I do think Power-Tripp's tune had several different file names. I also think the tune I got from Tune ECU's website was Power-Tripp's original, but I've never been 100% sure. I do know the bike (2011 Touring) runs great and is faster now.

On the TuneECU website the file name I downloaded was R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex which is a little different from yours.
Also, oddly mine was 295 kb, and yours I see is 232 kb.

Let me ask you this: If you install yours on your bike's ECU, and then hook TuneECU software up to it and let it read and upload, when it's finished does it show as a serial number?
Mine did (the one off the TuneECU website, which was identical to one that Starmanaut sent me), and the number was 20368.

How about you?