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  1. Penner

    How to match Vin number to get proper TuneEcu map?

    Connect Tune ECU to your bike and it will show the map number. Much easier to go by that.
  2. Penner

    Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

    If you don´t hit the speed limiter, it will make no difference. But at the quarter mile you might get close.
  3. Penner

    Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

    Sorry, I don´t agree. The slightly richer cells at cruising speeds will smooth out throttle reactions, cause less heat, and even reduce fuel consumption as the combustion is more efficient than at lambda1 (afr 14,5). In fact I played it safe and there are gains with an otimized (leaner) fuel at...
  4. Penner

    Penner's Lower Gear Map Info Wanted

    Thank you. There is just one map. It will work fine and there is no need to go to a dyno shop. Also valve adjustment does not matter. Just apply it to your ECU. Make sure you got a battery charger hooked to your bike that keeps voltage above 12,5V while loading and DON´T do any "Reset...
  5. Penner

    Penner's Lower Gear Map Info Wanted

    As soon as you have connected your Rocket to Tune-ECU it will indicate the number of your tune/base map. For example 31013. Whatever number shows up, look for the corresponding number in the tuning map files and use that one.
  6. Penner

    Installed WIdeband Lambda oxygen sensor on my Rocket

    Try to cover it at idle just for fun and to see the difference. The differnce at higher loads and revs will be smaller. You can´t cover it at higher loads. It will burn in seconds. If you position it where all three outlets meet, you will just get an average. And in your case it won´t work...
  7. Penner

    Installed WIdeband Lambda oxygen sensor on my Rocket

    There is no way to get correct readings with that position of the O2 sensor. It will always show too high AFRs. The lower the revs and load, the more it will be off. (For a test take some old clothes and cover the outlet with it while the engine idles. AFRs will go down significantly.) My...
  8. Penner

    Installed WIdeband Lambda oxygen sensor on my Rocket

    What kind of exhaust are you running? AFR is way too high. But that is probably oxygen that gets into the system from the outside by pulsation.
  9. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    I have just seen a dyno run with a Paul Bryant header and exhaúst that made a good 40hp gain over stock. It was an unrestrited map and AFR adjusted. As you usually get about 30hp with just an unrestricted map it is about another 10hp with it. And the engine was otherwise stock.
  10. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    Could be the TTS guys have them. But otherwise no one I know of. As the ex-cam has decompression mechanics they will not be easy to manufacture.
  11. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    The AFR in that chart is about 14.2. You get max power with these engines at an AFR of 13 to 13.2. So yours is definitly too lean. To be safe you can even go to 12.8 and just lose marginal numbers. As the O2 sensor can not be the reason for the increased consumption, there is another...
  12. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    If your O2 sensor is located too far to the end of the exhaust system, it will get O2 from the outside air that pulsates back through the open exhaust. This (false) readíng will cause the ECU to increase fuel. If ýou are on a dyno to get a map, disconnect the O2 sensor and switch it off in...
  13. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    It is pretty much on the lean side all over. Some more fuel and you will see gains.
  14. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    Yes. The AFR will probably be far off in some areas.
  15. Penner

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    My experience is that a big header and an open exhaust won´t help that much with a stock bike. There can be some gain, but usually nothing really serious. If you add some high lift long opening camshafts it is a different game.
  16. Penner

    2022 Rocket 3R Tune Results

    Don´t look too much at the absolute numbers. It is a 32hp gain. That is very well in the range of what you get with a tune.
  17. Penner

    Unrestricted Map 31254 all markets for Rocket 3R/R Black from VIN AV5456 ETV/F/Afr Tables modified 7400 Rev limit

    I agree. Though I think that most users would not want to do that copying. The main reason is, that I made them at different times from scratch and did not copy from the older maps. Part of it is also about markets, that have regular emission tests while others don´t. At the end of the day they...
  18. Penner

    Unrestricted Map 31254 all markets for Rocket 3R/R Black from VIN AV5456 ETV/F/Afr Tables modified 7400 Rev limit

    No. Just load it into your ecu and ride. Don´t do any reset adaptions or other kinky stuff.
  19. Penner

    I am not that much into VINs. But just connect Tune ECU to your bike and it will show you the...

    I am not that much into VINs. But just connect Tune ECU to your bike and it will show you the number of you actual tune. Go from there.