I had 2 things which led me to a reprobate life on 2 wheels.
First, when I was 11 or 12, my next door neighbor came home with a shiny Honda 305 Super Hawk. I just loved the look and sound of that bike. Then, after a few months with it, he sold it off and got the CL305 Scrambler. With it's flat grey tank and high pipes - I liked it even better. I never tired of looking at those bikes and talking to him about what it was like to ride them.
Second: The year was 1965. I was 16 years old and dating a MOST attractive girl named Gerri. She wanted to do something out of the ordinary. In those wondrous days of yore, things were a little different then they are today. You could rent small motorcycles at many neighborhood gas stations. So Gerri & I screwed up our collective courage and I plunked down the requisite $6.00 for a 1 hour ride on a Honda Super 90 (you remember - this was the one with the tank between the knees - no "step through" Honda 50 for us!) After that one hour ride - I was HOOKED. It was so simple to ride - even easy to shift and find neutral. G-d, that was one of the best dates we ever had!
Actually, now that I think about it, there was a third influence as well. Geoff - another guy in my HS, was an absolute motorcycle nut. He was always talking about wanting an XLCH, or a Matchless Atlas or any number of other two wheeled transports. He was so enthusiastic, that it led me to investigate some motorcycle magazines. Those also served to whet my appetite for what was to come.
I've NEVER looked back from these early influences.