I came to riding late in life, no one in my family ever rode, and the only guy I really knew well that rode, my friends older brother, got killed on a bike at 21. Even after I was grown and married with kids, my parents still said if I ever got a bike they'd come over and chop it up with an ax, LOL.
And to be honest, I never really desired one, I couldn't see the point, I mean, you ride from here to there, then what? I was a workoholic, 90 or 100 hours a week, throughout my 20s and 30s, even into my 40s, I never had time for toys, boats, snowmobiles, etc.
One day I was driving down the road, and saw a CB750 for sale at the road, something about it drew me, like I knew the bike. I stopped and the guy that came out turned out to be a guy I had worked with years ago. A couple buddies that are Harley guys that hadn't had their bikes on the road in a few years had recently said they were going to get their bikes going that year, so I bought it, I didn't even have a learner's permit at the time. First ride and I was hooked, I was off work at the time, it was early April, I'd wait every morning for the temps to get above 32 so the ice would be melted, and rode in my Carharts and ski gloves til my hands were numb.
Funny thing is that of my two friends, one never did get a bike going to this day, the other, well, last year he bragged he had 400 miles on his bike, I laughed at him, this year he's doing better, he has almost 500 miles so far, LOL. I did over 8000 miles that first summer with my learner's permit, alone, til I finally got a ticket for riding unaccompanied, so I went and took my test so I had a license when I went to court, they dismissed the ticket.